as soon as the puck dropped, averman hit the ground. i got the puck and skated as fast as i could. there was no one for me to pass it to, so i had to keep going. i neared the goal only to be knocked into said goal, by an icelandic player.

i sighed and got up, the pain of it all wasn't too unbearable, in fact, it just further fueled my rage.

the game continued, and i watched as stahl shot the puck. goldberg was a little slow and the siren went off soon thereafter.

"are you okay?" charlie asked, skating up to me, realizing he hadn't checked on the injury from earlier.

i nodded,"fine, just annoyed."

i skated to the puck, only to get knocked to the ground, making coach send russ in my place. i took a seat next to julie, slipping my helmet off to watch the shit show.

i watched as kenny got flipped over someone's back, russ was shoved into the boards, guy was tackled to the ground, and dwayne was tripped.

the score was 0-2.

they knocked us down anyway they could. cheap shots, flipped, tripped, and they somehow managed to run us into each other. even dean was seeing stars.

eventually, i was sent back out there, because it seemed we were rotating starry eyed, dizzy, players.

i hit the ice, took the puck, and started to play a little game with the icelanders. every time they came near me, i would do a little spin around them.

i passed the puck in between this guys leg and to adam. it was immediately stolen and i groaned. i was doing so well.

it wasn't long until iceland went back to their own tricks, practically trying to take adam's arm off, as they slammed their stick onto his wrist.

i gasped, skating over to him,"adam, are you okay?"

he nodded, but i still helped him up, skating him over to the box.

the boy who did that to him, ended up with only two minutes, as the second period stared.

averman was our center, and i took my seat in the box, annoyed at the entire world. it wasn't fair that iceland could do so much to us, but only get two minutes.

the game started and it was no different than the first period. luis was trying to catch up to the icelandic player, but ended up falling, with him, the player, and goldberg all being tangled up in the net.

and along with those goons, the puck went with them, making the score 0-3.

and it wasn't much longer until it hit 0-4.

i thought all hope was lost, until i watched kenny wu put us on the board.

i jumped up and cheered, proud of our boy. and i only got prouder as he started to use that move he was taught when we were playing street puck, on the goalie that seemed to antagonize him.

kenny was given two minutes, but he didn't seem to care. he was happy with what he had done, and it appeared that the bash brothers were as well.

they cheered for our boy, before going around and slapping heads on the iceland box. i smiled in amusement, but i could tell coach wasn't quite as happy with what was going on.

they got sent to the box with kenny for their actions, but their spirits didn't dampen for a second.

it was then that we all started playing games. none of us were really taking this seriously, just having fun.

we figured, if we couldn't beat them, we might as well have fun while losing.

connie was knocked down and dwayne came out with a rope and hog tied one of the players. it had to be some kind of big violation, but i'm not sure there was a specific rule about it. he was given time in the box, like most of our other players, and the second period promptly ended.

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