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Me and my mom head to her house in my small red Volkswagen Beetle. When we arrive my dad is waiting at the door. We enter and I smell a strong scent. Mmm. Chicken and rice, my favorite. "Laura, Tatum, I heard about the bombing. Is everyone alright? What happened?" John, my dad, has worry in his voice, and my mom starts crying. I feel as if we won't be eating anytime soon. "John. My mother, she's dead." she says between sobs. "Oh no. Laura. I'm so sorry." my dad says with sorrow in his voice. He quickly walks up to my mom and holds her. Kissing her head he whispers something into her hair, I love it when they act like this. It's the cutest thing. My dad releases my mom and stares into her eyes. I have quickly forgotten about the food. "When are you wanting to have the funeral?" my father asks my mom. "I don't know. I was thinking maybe the 25th. It seems like a good time for everyone in the family" she starts sobbing again. I really don't want to be here listening to this any longer. I can't handle it. "Mom, Dad, I need to head home now. I love y'all. I have a lot of studying to do tonight." They look at each other and frown. "Well, okay sweetie. We love you too. We will see you soon." My mother manages to form a tiny smile on her face. I know it's just covering up the rivers of tears behind her eyes. "Okay Tatum. See you later" my dad says really sternly. He has always been very stern and strict towards me. My dad gestures for my mom to sit down and she does as she's told. I walk towards the front door and my father follows. My dad opens the door for me and I walk out, turning around to make a quick smile and he shuts the door. I needed to get out. Walking down the steep hill to my car I turn on my flashlight. I hop into the car, and 5 Seconds of Summer comes on. I love this band so much. "You're just a little bit out of my limits.." I sing very quietly. I've never been a good singer, but I still love to sing. My car smoothly drives away from that hell house. Time to have fun.

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