Round 1 | Buy or Die

781 18 4

(The picture on top is what I imagined you wearing but you can always change it if you want)

'To be quiet, and do as you're told...that's how cowards live. Do you stay down...or fight back'

A scorpion walks towards a dead worm. It inspects it before walking away. All the small rocks around the worm starts to bounce as the sound of an engine is heard. A motorcycle comes closer before zooming over the worm.

Two figures can be seen on the bike, a young man with black hair in the front driving and a young woman with (y/h/c) in the back holding on to his waist.

'What the hell am I doing'

As they continue driving a crushing sound is heard as the motorcycle drives over a sign. The young man looks towards the front with his green goggles while the young woman just leans her head on his back watching the empty scenery through her purple goggles.

As they continue going a small rock bounces up cracking the lens of the man's goggles. He then pulls on the gas making them go faster. Sensing the new speed the young girls grip around his waist tightens.

'Do I stay down here...or fight my way out'

Without noticing the young man gasps as he drives his bike off a cliff.


"Megalo Box is the combination of athleticism and Gear Technology, to create the future of boxing. The premier form of entertainment, and the ultimate combat sport. Today I unveil the long held dream of my grandfather, who preceded me as the head of the Shirato Group. The Megalo box tournament, Megalonia!" says a woman through a microphone as she points to screen behind her. In front of her, dozens of reporters gasp as they take notes and pictures.

"It'll go beyond borders and institutions, beckoning all who would claim to be the greatest fighter. The qualifying rounds will be global, with only four competitors making it into the final bracket.Fighting in Megalonia means fighting at the highest level, and that means true Megalo Boxing. The tournament begins in three months. Who will end up the true champion. That will be decided in the ring." she finishes as she looks down at all the reporters

(Sorry if this part is cramped it was hard to write since the subtitles are wrong on netflix and there is a lot of dialogue)


"There." says an old man as he finishes fixing something on a table before walking away.

'There's some critics that claim megalo boxing is little more than a violent spectacle...'says a man on t.v.

'We consider it to be an asset to society in a way that helps it maintain balance.' The same lady from before is heard in t.v

Inside a shop the two that were riding the motorcycle sat on a couch in front of the tv. The young man sits  up, while the girl lays on her back using his legs as a pillow.

'The potential of gear technology is limitless and Megalonia will be the first step to demonstrate that.'

"I'm all finished fixing up your gear. The motorcycle is going to take a bit longer though." Says the old man from before as he wipes his hands on a cloth.

The young man just looks at him before throwing popcorn into his mouth and giving one to the girl on his lap.

"How the hell did you two manage to wreck it that badly, anyway?" Asks the old man as he walks in front of the tv.

The man on the couch moves to the side to get a better view, unfortunately for the girl when he moves he moved her head and squished her.

"Puppy get off!" She whines making the old man laugh as he sees her push him off and sit up instead.

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