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They tell me they're just looking at the moment so I nod and tell them to find me if they need help and I go back to the cash register. I simply enjoy the music as I wait patiently.

After a few minutes the lead singer walks up to me with a few shirts and I scan them as he looks at the pins. "So how long have you been working here?" he questions curious.

"I have only been working here for a few weeks, how long have you been shopping here?" I laugh curious. "I usually shop at the one over in San Francisco since I live there but the band lives here so I drive here for practice. They wanted to come here so here we are." he laughs giving more information than I asked for but I didn't mind it in the slightest.

"That is nice, the total if your four shirts are going to be $79.96, cash or credit?" I fake smile at him. "Cash, and I do have one question, (y/n)." I was freaked out for a second that he knew my name but remembered I had my name tag on. "Do you have a Spencer's credit reward membership? And what would you like to ask?" I ask still fake smiling.

"I wanted to ask for your number so I can take you out some time and I do" he smirks actually thinking I would give him my number so I laugh. "oh yes let me give a complete stranger my phone number. While I am at it, why don't I just follow the stranger on tour?" I tell him sarcastically with a laugh. "You can have my number for casual hookups but I do not date" I tell him strictly before writing down my number when he agrees. I hand him my number and he gives me his number in turn. I finish his payment and he leaves.

I get off work at about midnight and lock up the store before taking out my switchblade and walking home. When I get to my apartment, I see Nikki outside and my eyes go wide because my mother is home. I walk over to him and put my hand on his mouth to keep him quiet as I whisper, "what the fuck are you doing here, Sixx?" He was surprised at my greeting and he takes my hand off his mouth before answering, "wanted to fuck."

I sigh and shake my head "I told you to call me. My mother is home, what the hell, Sixx? Do you have no brain?" I was pissed and my words got him more pissed, "first off bitch, I didn't know you were some broke cunt living with her mommy. Second off, don't fucking talk to me like that, I'm a damn human just like you." I felt bad for going off but he was also in the wrong, "I may be broke but you seriously have no fucking idea what you are talking about. If you want me to talk to you with respect, you need to talk to me with respect as well."

"God you're such a fucking bitch, you don't know shit about what I know! God I fucking ha-" I cut him off by punching him in the jaw. "Shut the fuck up, asshole" he got even more pissed at me hitting him and gives me a look I recognized from the look my father would give my mother and I start shaking. Instead of hitting me, he walks away which shocks me.

I go back inside and see my mom sleeping on the couch and I smile a little. I take a soft, thick, blanket from the closet and cover her up before going into the kitchen and making myself dinner. After I eat and clean up, I go to bed.


On the couch sits Jani, Nikki, and someone I didn't recognize. Nikki was badly beaten which worried me so I go over to him and check on his bruises but when I touch his cheek, Jani, the other person, and Nikki all scream in the same high frequency scream. Filled with panic, I run out of the house and I'm transported to a lake and a giant is holding me down under the water by my hair.

I kept trying to fight back the best I possibly could before passing out. I awaken again and I'm in a hospital room and there are pills being crushed. I'm forced to stay there and forced to eat by the devil.

----------Now leaving dream land--------

I woke up crying and my to my phone ringing, I ignore it and get myself to stop crying. I clear my voice several times before calling back whoever called.


Hello, is this the girl from Spencer's?
My name is (y/n) but yeah, why?
Hey (y/n), it's Jani
I am aware, is there a reason you called?
Yeah...I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out.
um...who else is going to be there?
The drummer and guitarist of my band and a few other rockstars.
So is this just a hang out or a party?
More of a party.
*sigh* alright well then let me get ready and you can pick me up.
Sweet, I'll see you in a bit. I need your address by the way.
*address* bye.

I hang up without giving him a chance to say goodbye, I didn't want to go but at the same time it could be fun. I take a shower and plan my outfit which wasn't that difficult since I only own one dress.

Once I'm ready, I go downstairs and leave a note for my mother telling her that I was going to be hanging out with some people from university

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Once I'm ready, I go downstairs and leave a note for my mother telling her that I was going to be hanging out with some people from university. I place the note on the coffee table and walk out the front door and wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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