Chapter 12: All in the Mind

Start from the beginning

"Spiderman!!" Ghost-Spider shouted before getting blasted by Mysterio.

"I would focus on me instead of him," he told her. 

As Y/N and Scorpion fell to the ground, the villain took his chance to stab the hero with his tail. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed before kicking him off. 

Scorpion landed on the ground, cracking it while Y/N web slanged to it and nearly fell over. "What the... hell did you do to me?" 

"I've killed you," Scorpion told him. "And soon, your body will realize it."


Scorpion chuckles. "As much as I would like to kill you right here, right now, the boss wants you to suffer. Which I respect and want as well," Scorpion said before hopping off. 

"Damn it," Y/N said as his legs fell like one ton each. "I need to find out what he injected me with."

Y/N's mind went through all of the possible ways for him to find out what was injected into his body. "SCHOOL!!!" The young hero thought. "We've been learning about chemicals and the effects they have in the body. They have just the stuff I need to find out what's inside of me."

Y/N fired his webs and began making his way to Midtown High. "I got to get there before the poison kills me. I can't let my life end like this!!"

Meanwhile, Ghost-Spider fights with Mysterio. She hops from building to building dodging his attacks. While doing so, she asks him "what are you guys' deal? Your Rhino dude told us that you want to take down Norman Osborn."

Mysterio sighs and says to himself "Aleksei could never keep his mouth shut."

He turns to the spider hero and tells her "he is right. We seek to destroy Osborn."

"Why?" Ghost-Spider questioned. "Or are you just doing it just to show off your power?"

"I do not answer to insects," Mysterio retorted before launching another attack. 

Dodging, Ghost-Spider tells him "I'm a spider, not a bug."

"Both can still be crushed by a boot," Mysterio replied. 

"You sure about that?" she inquired once landing on a building. "Have you seen the spiders in Australia? They're as big as the ones in Minecraft."

"Enough of this!!!" Mysterio shouted while releasing a shockwave.

Ghost-Spider's Spidey Sense goes off so badly it gave her a mini migraine for a few seconds. Once it was over, she looked around and did see Mysterio in front of her anymore. Suddenly, the villain grabbed the hero from behind and covered her mouth with one of his hands while releasing green gas. 

(I can already imagine the comments).

Ghost-Spider struggles to get free as she breathes in the gas. Eventually, Mysterio lets her go and kicks her off the building. The hero doesn't move her body until a few seconds into the fall. She fires her web and slings herself to the top of a nearby building. 

She breathes heavily until looking around at her area she's in. "What the?" She said. 

Ghost-Spider looks around and sees that she's no longer on the top of a roof, but on the sidewalk of a cool New York night. "What the hell is goin' on?" She asked

The hero walks around trying to make sense of the situation. Mysterio was nowhere to be seen. As if he just vanished into thin air. None of it made any sense. Was it just the gas playing tricks on her mind and the villain was preparing an attack?

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