I Don't Need No One

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"Annabelle Rosetta Collins if you don't get your black ass down here in 5 seconds we're leaving you!!!"

I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs.

"I swear you bitches make me sick." I said putting on my coat.

My sisters, Jamie, Jackie and Jay were talking me to school. Jamie, Jackie and Jay are triples. And sadly they are the eldest, they are 24 and I'm 17.

I have to live with my sisters since our father left us, at that time the triples were 18 while I was 6.

The triples were always mean to me because I was different, they were light skinned and I was dark skinned. They had dark brown eyes, I have light brown eyes. They had short hair and I had long hair.

My sisters were tall and skinny, like model skinny. And I was short and thick. You know, wide hips and a huge ass. All the guys would flirt with me but my sisters would tell them I sleep around. I don't know why hey treat me like this but I learned to live with it.

"Don't talk to us like that or you can walk your sorry black ass to school." Jackie putting her hands on her hips.

I just rolled my eyes and walked to the car.

Jamie and Jackie sat in the front and me and Jay sat in the back. Me and Jay got along just fine, hell we were the closes. Jay didn't talk much, she was quite, very very quite. Nothings wrong with her its just she dosen't like to talk. But she was one hell of a texter.

"Jay can you pick me up after school?" I asked her.

She nodded and smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Why do you stay after school anyway? You ain't gon be nothin, your just gonna be like dad. A Nobody, you only lives with us because you need money and a place to stay." Jamie said as she and Jackie laughed.

Jay shook her head.

"Your right about one thing, I have no where to go but I don't need your money. Matter of fact you two always beg me for money because I have a job and you hoes don't. Plus I don't need anyone to help me, I can do bad all by myself." 

Now they were real quite and Jay was smiling real hard at me and she patted me on the back.

Im not sure if I can be sucessful, because my own flesh and blood don't even believe in me. Well Jay does but its not eungh to make me have hopes and dreams.

As much as I hate to say this but I am a nobody, I'm not smart and im sure is hell ain't beautiful. I don't know why I look like our bad but I wish I looked like mom. Then maybe, just mabe some will love me without getting in my paints.

My Samoan Warrior (Roman Reigns)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora