The Growing Meldoy

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Katsuki had walked outside the castle. He had been wearing a casual outfit as he didn't need to wear anything to fancy at the moment. He looked at the wall, upset that he and his child had to separate from a part of themselves, but he knew it had to be done. His child matters more to him. Katsuki didn't want to do this, but he knew that overhaul would do whatever it takes to get ahold of his daughter to take down his father. He sighed as he turned and walked into the castle, heading for his daughters room.

Katsumi room had white walls, toys in a toy chest, a floor that had light blue flooring, and her cradle which happened to be a light sea foam green. Her room didn't look like this before. It used to be all sea themed, but had to be changed after the decision to lock up the little princess away from the sea. He entered the room and saw his daughter in her cradle. He picked her up and held her close. A lot of Katsuki's free time was spent with Katsumi.

Now, (Y/N) did spend time with her child, just not as much as Katsuki, compared to the two of them...Katsuki has at least 20 hours more than (Y/N) did.

Now let's look at how Katsuki was as a father.

First words:
You can bet the queen refused to have him cuss around his child so he has to use different words like, 'ducking,' 'funky bull shrimp,' and ect. After all she wanted her child first words to be cute not a curse word. Let's do a example of him not cursing.

Katsuki was with his wife and child. They were in the throne room while Katsuki did kingly things. At some point Bakugou got pissed off, so he tried to curse, "FU-" He was stoped as his wife glared at him. "Ducking bananas!" Was all he said, scared that his wife would hurt him, she nodded liking how he wasn't cursing. But the queen didn't get her wish as the days she wasn't with Katsuki while he was with their child he had let the f-bomb slip out a few times.

So when (Y/N) noticed her child trying to talk she got Katsuki, Shinso and her father in the room. Now when the child said can bet Katsuki was a dead man! Shinso and her father were laughing hard as Katsuki tried to make a run for it. He didn't escape...however...let's say he slept on the floors for a few days.

Though a few days later he was holding Katsumi, though not alone as (Y/N) was with him, watching over him, making sure he would hold his tongue. He kept trying to get her to say 'da-da' or 'pa-pa.' He was soon to give up. He sighed as he put her down, he started to walk over to his wife before a little voice yelled out "Da-da!" The king froze in his spot as the queen looked over, surprised at the sudden outburst.

Katsuki quickly turned around as the little Katsumi continued to yell out the word. The grumpy king couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face as he walked over and picked her up. "That's right Katsumi! I am da-da!" He yells excitedly, while the queen sighed, she was still pretty upset with her king for causing the first word of the princess to be a curse word, but she smiled watching the two, maybe she could let him come sleep back in the bed, just for begin so cute when he was with their daughter.

It would be three weeks later before Katsumi says 'ma-ma.'

Taking her first steps:
When she stood for the first time Katsuki and (Y/N) happened to be in the room. They watched with smiles on their faces as the little Katsumi got up on her legs. She stumble and fall a few times, but soon she was able to stay standing. Katsuki was quick to get in front of her and told her to come here and with her little legs she made her way over to him. He was freaking out the whole time and cheering her on. When she made it to him he scooped her up. The little girl laughed and (Y/N) watched with a smile on her face, she didn't understand how this, who could be so aggressive, could be so cute with their daughter.

Long story made short...the child won't sleep unless her father sings her song. No matter how old she gets she still wants to hear her father sing.

Now let's do the long story as it is cute! So Katsumi was almost a year old and ever since the day she was born her father would sing her to sleep, never knowing what would happen if he skipped a night, well he would learn tonight. He had laid her down a before heading out. Not even ten minutes go by and the little princess started to cry. The queen and king heard her cries and looked at each other. (Y/N) sighed, walking out of the room, but no matter what the queen tried or did she wouldn't stop. The little princess wouldn't even tell her mother what was wrong.

The queen then had a idea, she told Katsuki to come here, and though he didn't want to as he had just got into bed, he got up and headed over to the room. Katsumi stopped crying though still sniffled when she saw her father. (Y/N) then told him to sing. He was confused, but he did it nonetheless. And just like that she stopped begin upset altogether and soon was asleep. The queen giggled as the king sighed. "Guess I forgot to sing her a song." The queen nodded and the two headed back to the room to get some sleep themselves.

Katsumi has completely got her father's personality. Much to the dismay of (Y/N). She was loud, had a short tempter, and had the colorful vocab of Katsuki. At four she knew every curse word. But she never said any in front of her mother. To the two loud bombs knew that women needed to be feared. Anyway the fights between the father and daughter were loud and explosive. Considering the fact that the little girl had a quirk called fire. This quick let her make and control fire, now a great quirk, but the bad part is that if she didn't control her quick she would accidentally use her quirk. She had burned her clothes and furniture more than she would like to admit. Katsuki was the same way, sometimes using his quirk when he was mad. The fight only ended when (Y/N) gets involved.

As you can guess Katsuki isn't the best father, but he is trying his best. He loves his daughter. But one thing he had noticed was how she would always look at the wall, wanting it gone so she could go to the water, just like him. This is one thing they would never fight over. Them wanting the stupid fucking wall gone. Now what makes this harder for Bakugou is that is daughter is now 10. She is smart and talented just like he was, which means she had found ways to get to the ocean. Each time Katsuki thinks he has her beat....he was wrong. Time and time again.

He knew he would have to tell her the truth soon. But he didn't want to now...not yet...but maybe he should have. After all...the young princess has found another way out which means overhaul now has his chance to get the girl and get control of the sea.

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