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The bnha boys reactions if mineta turns a turn for the gay and starts touching dem boi butts

Aoyama:I know I'm fabulously thick but will you please stop.

Bakugou:*immediately murder him*

Iida:*screams and does the weird iida hand things* THAT IS SEXUAL HARRASMENT! YOU COULD GO TO JAIL OR EVEN PRISON!!

Kaminari:*stands there not knowing what to do then has to witness ojiro, sero, and shinso murder mineta at the same time*(my ships don't judge)

Kirishima:*screams at the top of his lungs* BAKUBROOOOOOOO!!! HE TOUCHED MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*he then watches bakugou slowly murder mineta while being terrified but smiling softly*

Kouda:*sits there red and asks everybody to help him and then closes his eyes just to get a glimpse of everbody beating mineta up*

Deku:*doesn't know what is wrong with it but still dies what mother inko told him to do if somebody touched him there* NO! don't touch me there!This is my no-no square!

Ojiro:*chokes mineta with his tail while seeing everyone clap *

Sato:*eats a whole bag of sugar and yeets mineta to the sun*

Sero:*raps mineta up with tap then hangs him from a super tall crain then the tape tears and mineta falls to his death, everybody claps and cheers*

Shoji:*grabs mineta and Naruto runs to the ocean then drowns mineta*

Todoroki:*incases him in ice which gives mineta hypothermia*

Last but not least tokoyami:*has dark shadow rip him in half*

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