- six

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"Cedric why are you acting so strange?" Sam narrowed his eyes at the ebony haired man who continuously cracked his knuckles as they walked through the school grounds. "Huh?" Cedric muttered, looking up and catching Sam's eye. "Oh what? Nothing?" He laughed, shaking his head dismissively. Sam stared for another moment before leaving the subject, deciding on another in an attempt to peak the boys interest and calm his nerves.

"So you and Melanie were gone a long while yesterday?" He teased lightly, resting the waters. To his surprise Cedric grinned, a joyous glint in his eye. "We just went for a walk. We talked." "Ooooh you talked?" He repeated, causing Cedric to let out a low laugh. "Yes Sam" He shouldered the boy. "We talked." "So do you like her?"

Cedric wasn't one to really talk about his feelings, he didn't really like be all serious around the boys. The trio usually kept the topics light hearted, more was left unspoken than spoken. Now that didn't mean the three weren't close, no they were thick as thieves. And Cedric always knew that if he ever did decide he wanted to talk about something serious, Charlie and Sam would always be there for him; no questions asked.

"Yeah." He said softly, his gaze falling to the ground. "I think I do." Sam smiled and halted to a stop, Cedric following suit once he spied his friend. "Cedric that's great." He smiled, placing his hand on his friends shoulder. "But if you're serious about this, if you really like Melanie you need to be careful." Cedric tilted his head, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "I know the wizarding world don't know too much about the Hallows. But that doesn't mean they're not dangerous." "Melanie -"

"I'm not talking about Melanie." Sam sighed, dropping his hand from Cedric's shoulder. "She seems like a lovely girl, she really does. And I trust your judgement, but never forget who her family are Cedric. They are powerful people. Dangerous  people. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if they hurt Melanie if she didn't fall in line. And that's their own daughter, you would be nothing to them."

Cedric watched his friend carefully, seeing the worry in his face. Momentarily he recalled the pain in Melanie's eyes when she held the letter from her parents, and the anger it shifted to when he persisted. Granted, he truly didn't know much about Melanie's family, but he wished he did - even if only to ease some of her troubles. "Just promise me you'll stay away from her family as long as you can." "I don't even know if she likes me back." Cedric laughed in an attempt to steer away from this serious topic, but when he saw Sam's jaw clench, he knew he had to let him have this, give him this slither of comfort that he seemed to need.

"I promise." He swore, smiling at his friend. "Now stop worrying, please." Sam sighed and nodded. "So why exactly are we going for a walk here?" Sam questioned, spying a grin slide on to Cedric's face. "Ah well you know what they say about speaking of the devil and all that."

And that was when Sam spotted Melanie Hallows in the distance, Angelia Zabini at her side and a picnic basket by her feet.


"Oh Merlin here he comes." Angelia wheezed, frantically fixing her already perfect hair. "And you're sure he doesn't know this is a set up?" Melanie laughed and shook her head. "For the millionth time Ang no. I have everything sorted, we're just gonna tell him because Cedric and I are friends we all want to just get to know each other. And it just so happens that Charlie is busy." Melanie shrugged, throwing her friend a wink.

"Friends." Angelia snorted, well aware of the extra bounce Melanie had in her step now that she was slowly becoming closer to Cedric. Melanie rolled her eyes and shoved her friend mumbling a quick 'shut it' before the two boys arrived. "Cedric." Melanie gleamed, running forward. The boy pulled her into his arms, and both Angelia and Sam separately noted that this seemed to be more than just two friends embracing. Pulling back, Cedric shot the girl a grin before she turned to Sam.

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