Chapter 1

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13 Weeks

I sit on the floor of what was my living room, our couch and coffee table gone and sold to Prim. When we announced we were moving and we were selling our furniture, Prim jumped in for our couch, coffee table and bed. We sold our dining table online, that was moved out yesterday. Our television and every other piece of furniture is going to different people, some in our building, others hired movers.

Our apartment is empty, I'm surrounded by boxes filled to the brim. I've been taping up and labelling boxes all day while Peeta and Gale helps movers carry the rest of our furniture out. I look down at my belly which hasn't grown much but being in the last month of my first trimester I would've expected to show more. My mom told me it's due to my thin frame which made sense. Although, it has gotten much bigger than our honeymoon. I've had to go up in sizes of pants and shorts which was... daunting, especially with my pregnancy brain. Hormones. Everywhere.

Peeta enjoys the process and at times I do to but there are other parts that just make me feel like crap. I've gotten into the phase of not wanting Peeta to touch me sexually. I feel gross all the time and not to mention the tiredness.

"Right, let's get our cars loaded" Peeta announces, I carry the light weight boxes which my mom made clear that I do just that. It wasn't going to be a problem seeing as the ones I wouldn't even pick up even if I wasn't pregnant. We make a few trips to and from our cars but soon it's all filled up with our boxes. After Peeta and I hand in our keys at the front desk we get into his car, pulling out of the parking garage of the place that was our first home as a couple.

"Ready?" He grips my hand after putting the car in gear, I nod. He kisses my hand and I lay it in his lap while he uses his hand to change gears when need be, Gale following close behind in my car.

We get to our house and with a few more trips back and forth, our cars get driven in the garage. I take a nap, tired of work I certainly did not do. By the time I wake up it's sunset, I sit up to see Peeta in the closet, folding his pants and shirts then hanging his jackets and shirts. I get up and walk in to see my section done up neatly, I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"You looked like you slept well. I only unpacked the kitchen stuff and our clothes. I don't know where you want everything else" he explains picking up the now empty box

"I still can't believe this place is ours" I admit, following him downstairs

"I can't either. Gale said it's nicer than his place" I roll my eyes because that certainly sounds like my brother. Peeta starts on dinner while I unpack the box with our photo frames and albums. I pick one up and smile at it, Peeta is looking at me smiling while I laugh. We both have on ugly Christmas sweaters, this was a year into our relationship at my mom's house where he met my entire family for the first time, it was a great night.

I look through his album tiled 0-36 months. He was a chubby baby and toddler but god was he adorable. He had long dark eyelashes and his hair was almost bleach but his smiles were all the same. His big blue eyes are the same. I notice that his mother is only in a few but she looks fairly happy, there's one where she has Peeta in her arms, she smiles down at him as he sleeps on her chest.

"My dad said that my mom was most protective of me than any of my brothers" Peeta sits down next to me

"Where'd it all go wrong?" I frown

"When I grew up. My heart stopped when I was born and I was in NICU for a whole month. Once I got better she and dad were the only ones that were allowed to hold me. So, once I started showing independence, getting girlfriends. She chased them all off, I'm still that baby struggling to breath in her mind" he sighs, I look at the pictures of him in an incubator surrounded by cords. A patched up scar on his chest, so that's the story of how he got that... he always said its because he had complications as a baby but never with his heart.

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