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"Don't fuck this up, Blake."

Bryce patted my shoulder as I finally approach the first girl. She is very beautiful, thick, with golden skin and hazel eyes. She was very intimidating in my eyes and I kind of liked that in a woman. My feet had hesitation as I approached the goddess of a woman.

"Uh, Hey.. I'm Blake Gray, I was passing by and I couldn't help but notice-" mid sentence I had to quick change my response as her way more built boyfriend came over, "couldn't help but notice how cute you two are!"

Nice save, dipshit. She gave a smile and leaned into her boyfriend, "thank you so much! My name is Teressa, this is Jacob.."

I politely nod and keep small talk before returning back to Bryce, bummed out with my first attempt being a major fail. When Noah came over and smiled weakly. "Ah, how's the player doing?"

"I got three numbers already man!" You could hear the excitement, I almost growl.

"Wow, so weak, I'm already at five." I lie right through my teeth and Bryce laughed immediately.

Noah's grin only got wider, nodding his head. "Good luck with that man, I think I'm done for the day."

One number.. it took me five hours to get one number and dumbass got three in thirty minutes? How the hell is that possible..?

I finally throw in the towel and jog back in defeat. Everyone was already back at the house, watching a movie or swimming. I decide to go upstairs and hit the shower. As I was walking towards the bathroom I hear a noise coming through the door.

"I tried to reach you, I can't hide
How strong's the feeling when we dive.."

You could hear this bitch singing? It made me chuckle.. he was actually really fucking adorable. I then just roll my eyes and go to my room, laying back on my bed till he finished.

Next up.


"Today was a major success, but at the end of the day it pisses me off.."

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