Tyler an Brad

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"Just down this hall I guess" Brad whispers too himself as he draws closer to his room.

Hes walking down the hallway when he notices a guy talking to some girls in the hallway. He walks closer in Hope's that they are no where near his room but he was wrong, so wrong infact that they were right in front of his room.

"Eh, hemm .... can I.. hello..." Brad says noticing none of them are paying attention.

"Oh hi" the guy says turning away from the girls but not before laughing a bit at something one of them said almost making them faint.

Some of the girls started waving an giggling towards him. Brad wasn't the most attractive guy he's sure of that but hes not exactly ugly either hes just a bit awkward an when he gets used to a person he has his goofy side come out an look at that they are gone but he could tell compared to the guy hes hoping is not his roommate he goes from a solid 7.5 to a 3.

"I need to get in here uh.. this is my room" Brad says giving a small smile so he knows hes not trying to be rude.

"Ayyy so this is gonna be my roommate look at this guy, looks like I'm not gonna be the only guy here with girls all over them" he says winking at the group of girls.

"Ya sure haha" Brad says finally getting close enough to unlock the door.

"Look ladies I have to go but I'll see you at football practice" he says winking "make sure you cheer me on" he says while walking grabbing his bag an walking into the room.

Brad hadn't even noticed he hasn't been in yet. Was he seriously mobbed at his own door. Yikes.

"So which bed do you want" Tyler says smiling not even trying but naturally being polite.

"Ehh I dont really care" Brad says turning to him.

"Ok how bout I take the left side you take the right ya" Tyler says giving a downwards head nod towards Brad.

"Um ya ok" Brad says walking over to his bed.

"My names Tyler by the way, how about you" Tyler says putting down a bed sheet.

"My names Brad" Brad replies to him.

"Now is that just brad or is it short for Bradley" Tyler asks standing up straight again looking at Brad.

"Its short for Bradley" Brad says chuckling a little bit feeling a tad but more comfortable around Tyler.

"Cool,cool" Tyler says grabbing his suitcase an putting stuff into the drawers.

Surprisingly to Brad Tyler was pretty nice an not as big as a jock as he thought he would be. They talked for a while while unpacking an had a lot of stuff in common with each other.

"So are you going to football practice" Tyler asks him sitting up from his bed more.

"Does it look like I play sports?" Brad laughs making Tyler laugh too.

"Well are you gonna come down?" Tyler asks getting up preparing to go down to practice.

"No I think I'm gonna stay up here" Brad says grabbing a book he placed on his table. Normally he would grab his phone but the school has a strict no phone rule so a book would have to do.

"Ok suit yourself see ya later man" Tyler says opening the door.

"See ya" Brad says waving as Tyler leaves.

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