"G-got it! I'll train my hardest and achieve my goal! I will tell Aniki-Sama... when I'm ready!" He laughed again.

"It's all in your hands, Young Midoriya Y/n!"


"N-nothing Important, A-Aniki-Sama!" He frowned at you.

"You can tell me anything, you know that, Imouto?" You nodded, showing him your bright smile as you boarded the train.

"O-of course!"


You held your brothers hand tightly, as you stood at the entrance of UA. Your brother muttered a praise at the schools' large infrastructure. "Move it, nerds." An oh so, familiar voice snarled behind you. You were met with the spikey ash-blonde who you hadn't talked to in what seemed like forever. For a second, just a second, his death glare seemed to soften as your eyes met. Did he still like me?

~ ~ ~

Smash! You had never felt so confident using this power before. Your first time trying One for All was a painful, tingly sensation. But now that you had the hang of it, you were using 20% with a breeze. You located bots and didn't hesitate to obliviate them. Mainly though, after 11-12 bots you began to notice lots of people were becoming injured or in needing of rescuing. Even though you knew you needed these points your heart told you that the points aren't worth all these people getting hurt. You also realised you lost Izuku about 10 minutes ago. You scolded yourself for losing him but, for some weird reason, you were afraid without him. It was like, as long as you were doing hero work Izuku wasn't needed. Confidence struck through you, an unfamiliar feeling. You loved it.

If rescue points were a thing (which you didn't know they were), you would at least have 100 at this rate. Though, when the exam was near its end, you felt immense stress. You hadn't gotten enough points defeating bots. I have to do this, I have to do this! I have to get into UA and be a hero with Ani--

Your thoughts were cut off by the huge zero-pointer about to crush each a boy and a girl; the girl of which being the reason Izuku didn't fall on the way in. Your heart raced at the urge to save the two, but the bot looked fearsome. Boom! A forceful punch was all it took to sweep the robot off its' feet. Who did that? Who has that much power? Your eyes widened at the mop of green, unruly hair. Aniki-Sama... You drowned in adoration.

"Help!" Debris flew everywhere as your eyes landed on the boy. He was stuck under a large piece of metal which flew off the robot and lodged into his leg, pinning him into the floor. The robots arm looked like it would crash onto him any minute. Without thinking, you speed yourself towards the boy like a flash of lighting.

"Stay still!" You screamed without stuttering. "I'm going to carefully remove the metal and take you to safety!" You knew you could screw up his entire leg in one movement but, if you didn't act fast, the robots limb would crush you and the boy any second now.

You held the boys', who was in immense pain, hand. "Calm down, I'll make this quick." He squeezed your hand as you quickly removed the metal. Blood gushed out of his wound, but you couldn't carry him to safety on the fear of blood loss. You tore your shirt from your stomach and wrapped it around his open-wound with a certain amount of pressure. "This will do for now." You spoke, picking the boy up in your arms bridal style and sprinting off the safety. He looked up at your face. It held beauty, elegance, but, most importantly, a pure heroism nobody could fake. Though, you felt very exposed, half shirtless.

Crash! The tumultuous sound of the robots' arm crashing just where you crouched mere seconds ago made you flinch. You placed the boy where it was safe, and, the exam was over. Shit! I didn't get enough bots'! I-i'm going to fail! And Aniki--

"Thank you." A very grateful voice from beside you spoke. "You are a true hero." Forgetting your worries, you turned to the boy. The exam no longer mattered, you saved someone's life. "I owe you my life." You began to stress.

"N-n-n-no! I-it's n-no problem.. I.. uh... am- just glad you're s-s-safe! Aha..." You scratched your neck. "Are you o-o-okay?" He chuckled at your shyness.

"Cute." He spoke. You became a flustered mess. "I'm fine because of you." Although he was sitting, he gave you a small bow. "I, again, owe you my life." He formed a bouquet of flowers with his hand. "These are for you, lovely lady. They aren't enough to thank you for my life, but the flowers I produce give off different prosperities/ill-fates'. Here is the gift of luck, confidence, love and good fortune." You couldn't help but smile as you took the beautiful bunch of flowers. They all coloured in f/c and e/c which contrasted beautifully.

"T-t-t-thank you!" You looked at his wound and back up at the approaching nurse. "I wish y-you all the b-best, but, I-I-I have to get back to m-my b-b-brother..." You stood up and bowed. He smiled and waved you off.


I kinda rushed most of the important UA entry exam stuff but I wanted to just get to the plot so here-- the plot starts next chapter!

It will be explained next chapter but, you only got a few villain points but, you placed high up because of the immense amount of rescue points you got.


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