Elijah made his way to the Abbattoir with haste, a scowl fixed on his features as he looked over the corpse of Papa Tunde that was so kindly left on their doorstep. Klaus and Marcel hovered over him with Fane leaving to check on his twin, and Elijah rolled his eyes at his brother's barbs.

"Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?"

"You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah questioned with little patience, but his tone was even as he took in the white suit marred with blood that covered the corpse of Papa Tunde before looking up. "Back in the day if the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chicken and leave it on your doorstep." Marcel pointed out, and Elijah made a noise of distaste as he stood up. "It's rather a large and ominous chicken, wouldn't you say?"

"Brother." Kol greeted, the vampires turning to the Original as he approached with his ever present smirk, but Elijah noted the dark fury in his brown orbs. Kol was furious he didn't have the honor of killing Papa Tunde himself, although he had his sights set on the witch Sabine.

"Where is my sister?"

"Andromeda is at home with Regulus; I bade her to stay there and have a day to recover. We will handle this mystery ourselves." Elijah shared, and Kol let out a low laugh. "Good luck with that. I had to all but tie Febe to the bed so that she may stay put." He breathed out, and Marcel snorted as Nik gestured to the circle of salt. "Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah and Febe with ease, almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be their prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?"

"You said this witch used sacrificial magic to channel that power into his blade, making it a dark object." Kol questioned, a calculating expression on his face as he looked up at his brothers.

"Where is that blade now?"

"Well, don't you all look cheery."

The men all turned to face Rebekah as the blonde Original stepped forward, a sly smile painted her lips but Elijah recognized the concern that filled her blue eyes. "Listen to this... a girl literally exploded from a grave today as they were giving a tour of the city of the dead." She shared, and Elijah frowned. "It was Monique Deveraux."


"The tourists thought it was a part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle." Bekah continued, and the men all shared a look. "The Harvest Magic was stolen to resurrect Papa Tunde and whomever else." Kol breathed out, his eyes calculating as he looked between his siblings. "If he is now dead, and Monique has risen--"

"We can get Davina back." Marcel finished, turning to Nik with a determined expression. "Kill the witch who took her place."

"I have a theory about who one of them could be." Hayley's voice broke into the conversation, and Elijah turned to see the werewolf standing over the balcony with Davina's sketch of Celeste. "Celeste. I mean, it's got to be. Davina was trying to tell us, she was drawing pictures of Celeste. She was warning us that a great evil was coming." She finished, and Febe approached on Fane's arm for support.

"This just got more interesting."

"Love, what are you doing out of bed?" Kol called out to her, and the elemental rolled her eyes. "I'm not dead yet, darling. It'll take a lot more to kill me." She joked, her twin shaking his head at her stubbornness. "First Papa Tunde returns to settle old scores. Now your murdered lover is back." Nik pointed out to Elijah, and the Original bit back a scathing remark. "This isn't witches attacking vampires. They're declaring war on us."

"How does Sabine fit into this?" Fane voiced his thoughts, and Kol scoffed. "Forget about her. The important question is, what will Andromeda do when her dear Elijah tells her his old lover has returned from the dead?"

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