First dates are the worst dates pt 1

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*Chloe's POV*

I cannot believe this. Maddie Ziegler just told me the BEST thing. It turns out, in all my years of worrying that she hated me, it turns out she never talked to me because she had a HUGE crush on me. And I may or may not have asked her to go on a date with me! And she may or may not have said yes!

*Maddie's POV*

"Ok Kenz, how does this look?" I ask my sister Mackenzie.

"It's cute but... I don't know. The skirt is a little much."

I switch my loud floral skirt out for a plain denim skirt. Much better. I have on a denim jacket, a black and white striped crop top, black Converse, and the denim skirt. I hope Chloe likes it. I think I'm ready.

*Chloe's POV*
I've been waiting for Maddie for the past 20 minutes when she texts me.

💙Maddie💙: Be there in 5

💜Chloe💜: 👍

💜Chloe💜: u no where ur going right?

💙Maddie💙: ummmm yes?

💜Chloe💜: the 99 remember?

💙Maddie💙: I'm at Panera?

💙Maddie💙: 😬😬😬

💜Chloe💜: Just come ovr to my place

💙Maddie💙: k

💙Maddie💙: ur parents ok with u having a girl over - like on a date?

💜Chloe💜: yeah they don't care

💙Maddie💙: Must be nice

We chat for a little longer, and then i get in the car, so we stop. She ends up getting there 5 minutes before I do, and we go up to my room right away.

She has the cutest top on, unlike mine. Unfortunately, my blue cami was in the wash. I look down, trying to avoid awkwardly staring into her eyes. She looks down too, and we both start laughing as we realize we have the same shoes on.

Halfway through Grease, Maddie's phone goes off. She's asleep, so I check her phone, and I see a text from Kendall that says, "u coming over 2nite?😘". I know Kendall and Maddie are close but seriously? If Kendall is sending the kissy face something's up.

"Maddie. Maddie! Wake up!" I whisper, unsure if i should scream at her when she wakes up or talk to her about this calmly, like the somewhat mature adult that I am.

I wish I had chosen the second option.

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