Chapter 1: Memories

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In the late hours of the night, all was quiet in the kingdom of Corona, the bright full moon hid behind the large dark clouds, with only A little bit of moonlight peaking through, making it A very dim and dark night. A lonely alchemist lays on the cold concrete floor of A damp jail cell, trying to sleep in the dead of night, A cold breeze blew through the jail cell window, which made the boy shiver, he opened his eyes for just A moment, before closing them again, the wind blew harshly once again making him groan angrily, the wind blew again once more and Varian snapped, "AGHHHHHH, THAT'S IT" he threw his small thin blanket that had A few large holes in it, that he was using to try to keep himself warm, to the ground, he got up and started pacing around while running his fingers through his black messy hair, if he couldn't sleep he could at least think, that's all you could really do in A place like this, and Varian sure had been doing A lot of it, he thought about his life, his choices, his actions, but most of all, he thought about his dad, and how he had failed him once again, he sat down on the concrete floor and sighed heavily, he sat and Thought about memories of his dad and him when he was A child, he thought about him and his dad picking apples in the apple fields, and how he would always put him on his shoulders to reach the tree, he thought about the times where his dad took him on horse back rides and he would always sit him on his lap so he could see and pet the horse while they ride, he thought about him making ham sandwiches with him, and that afterwards they would eat together outside, he smiled at the thought for A moment, he looked over to the jail cell bed and saw his alchemy goggles, he got up, walked over to the bed sat down, grabbed them and looked at them in his hands, then he thought of another memory... A memory of him returning home to his father.. "Varian! Son! Come here for A moment," Varian ran at full speed, bumping into A book shelf in the process, but quickly shock it off and ran to his father, "Yes daddy?" Quirrn kneeled down to get to his son's level "Son, there's something I wish to give you," he then pulled something from behind his back, "A present? For me? Really?" Varian said excitedly, "Go ahead and open it son," Varian face lit up like A Christmas tree as he quickly ripped off the colorful paper around the brown cardboard box, he opened it and pulled out A old pair of brown alchemy goggles, Varian looked up at his father with A confused look, Quirrn looked at his son in the eyes and said "I always see you looking at those science and alchemy books.. and it reminded me of... Well.. your mother," Varian's eyes widened as he looked at his father, "she was just like you, reading all kinds of science books, mixing chemicals together all the time, and building all kinds of amazing machines," Quirrn put his hand on the goggles "these were your mother's goggles, and I thought that you should have them, I know you're A little too young to be doing anything too crazy, but the time feels right to give them to you now" Varian's face once again lit up and tried putting them on his eyes, but they kept slipping off, his father laughed, "you will grow into them," he said smiling at his son, Varian gave his dad A hug, "thank you daddy!" He put the goggles over his eyes again and spread his arms out, and starting running around "look dad! I'm A super hero!" Quirrn laughed as Varian faded back to reality,

 your mother," Varian's eyes widened as he looked at his father, "she was just like you, reading all kinds of science books, mixing chemicals together all the time, and building all kinds of amazing machines," Quirrn put his hand on the goggles "t...

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he looked at the goggles in his hands, the same goggles that were once his mother's that his father gave to him that day, he started tearing up while hugging his goggles tight to his chest, is this what his father truly wanted? Was this the way to make his father proud? Seeing his son in A jail cell!? He angrily punched the bed with his fist, he sat and thought long and hard, of course this is what his father wanted, who in the world would want to spend the rest of their lives in cased in Amber? Unless... The rest of his life IS over... I mean, how could he breathe in there? How is he getting the proper food and nutrition he needs to survive? "What if he's.. what if he's-" Varian started bawling into tears, his father couldn't be dead, he had to find a way to save him, no, he WILL find a way to save him, to free him, to make his father proud... He just... Had to find out how... And how to get out of here... The boy was lost in thought for so long he eventually fell fast asleep, with the goggles still in his arms

Moonstone Varian AU by Catyoshi47 and (Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now