Chapter 1:When They Meet

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Your POV:
Your running away from a man who was trying to rape you when you bump into a tall scarred man.

"Help me please" you say as he looks at you.

"Why should I" he says.

"Please, hes going to rape me" you say back.

"Come here" the man whos trying to rape you says.

Just as he saw you, you saw blue flames kill him and  cremate him. You look up and see it was the man who you had bumped into. As he walked away you walked back home thinking that you probably wont see him again.

The next day

Your alarm went off as you got up to go to work. You got up from the bed and walked to the dresser to get dressed for work. You work as a barista thats works until 5:00p.m. As you get dressed you notice a beautiful bird that has beautiful wings and a beautiful color to it. Afer getting dressed you go to work and as you go to work you see a pro hero named Hawks. He walked over to you and asked "Have you seen a villian with scars".

'He was a villian' you thought"no sorry" you lied.

"Ok thanks" he said walked away.

'OMG I JUST LIED TO A PRO HERO' you thought and you continue to walk to work.

After a few hours

Your about to close but then someone comes in you look up and say "can i help you?"

"Yea can i have a boba" he said.

"Sure what kind" you say.

"Strawberry and mint" he said.

"Ok that will be $5.49" you say.

He pays then goes to sit down. After a few minutes you call him to come get the drinks and leave. After he leaves you lock up the shop and walk to ur boyfriends house. At his house you here moans and go to his room and open it to a crack then see he was fucking your Bestfriend and then you open the door and say "What the fuck."

He says "babe its not what it looks like i can explain."

"Explain what that your fucking my Bestfriend because she threatened you yea no. Im done you bitch."you storm out and walk home. As you walk home you see pretty blue flames and walk tord them and see the villain known as dabi. You walk tords him and ask "what are you doing" he jumped and then looked at you.

"None of ur Business." As he continued to cremate wannabe villains.

"Cool"you said as he was doing that.

"You like it?" He said.

You respond with"yea its super pretty."

He laughs and looks at you then says "wanna come with me."

"Where" you ask.

"Places" he said back.

"I guess"you say as he walked away and you followed him.

After about 20 minutes of walking you and him arrive at an abandoned building and walk in. He then sneaks you to his room not wanting to get caught with someone who is not a member of the league of villains. When you guys got to his room he quietly opened the door and walked in. He closed the door behind him and sat on the bed next to you. He then said "what do you want to do now".

"I dont know what do you want to do" you say.

He then proceeds to pick you up and place you on his lap "this" he then kissed you and you sat there in shock for a few seconds then kissed back.

After about 5 minutes of making out he started to touch your thighs and you let out a soft moan. He smirks then kisses your neck. You start to moan soft and then he bites you. You then say "no more i have to go."

He then says "why dont you stay."

"Because i have to go" you say.

"Fine but I'll walk you home" he says as you both get up.

"Ok" you say as you guys start walking to your house.

After you guys get out of the hideout you start walking to your house and after 30 minutes you get there. He then proceeds to kiss you and says bye.

Hey so this is my first story and so yea but anyway hoped you enjoyed byee😁

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