Chapter 1: How They Got Technicolor

Start from the beginning

"Whoah." Lesta stepped back. "They don't seem like a happy couple. Not even a happy insane couple."

"Well, they ain't." Jasper replied. "Actually, it's pretty sad. That there used to be a sweet girl named Aroma Therapy, fully sane and functional they say. She just got messed up with the wrong guy at the wrong time."

"Yakko Warner." Lesta shivered. "I've heard stories about him and the other originals. Is it true that they're the ones responsible for creating all the warners?"

"Yep." Jasper looked over at Aroma. "You can try to talk to her when she isn't having fits of rage, but she is really out of it more than half the time these days. None of her stories match up. Yakko Warner did some kind of number on her, worst I'd ever seen."

"Yakko Warner did some kind of number on her, worst I'd ever seen."

Yakko listened to the echoing words of Jasper as he laid quietly on the bedding. A place for mice was not exactly ideal for him, and he could bust out whenever he wanted to, but Aroma was a different issue. He had to stay because she really did need help. Driving others psychotic was what the Warner Brothers were known for, and he did mean to make her a little silly in the head, but he hadn't meant for this to happen.

Aroma couldn't remember details, got scared of things that weren't there, had total fits of rage along with total sessions of nothing but sadness and depression. Even climbing the walls and screaming to the top of her lungs. Aroma had become 100% nuts.

"Where did my glass of water go?" Aroma glared at Yakko. "Did you steal my water? I had a glass of orange juice sitting right there. No, no right there. No, no it was to my right." Aroma pointed to her right. "Now it's not there. So you stole it, didn't you? You stole my orange juice? No, you stole my water. Why did you make me think I had orange juice again? It wouldn't be permitted in this place. Oranges are dangerous." She formed a ball with her hands. "Round and orange, so dangerous. Fall. You could fall and die. More dangerous than a gun. They should outlaw oranges." She smiled at Yakko. "Do you like orange juice?"

And it was all his fault. It wasn't always easy hearing her breakdown mentally because he had liked her at one time. She was fun, and really fun to tease. The teasing had gone too far though and he told Wakko and Dot that he just couldn't leave her like that. He would stay in RcdoubleD until she was within her right mind again. Then that was it, the deal was settled and they'd never see her again.

He had wondered for days on end at first how he even accomplished it. She just snapped like a brittle autumn leaf falling to the ground. Her mind had gone and hadn't come back.

Oh, geez. He just wanted to get her back a little. Just a little revenge. Not this much. She had a strong mind, and she knew their tricks.

If he had known just how fragile her mind had been, there was no way he would have even started playing with her . . .

Chapter One: How they got Technicolor.

1953: Warner Brothers Studio

"Feast your eyes on the one, the only, cartoon maker!" A scientist fixed his glasses just right. "No longer do we have to spend countless money on artist's pay to have them create." He pointed to the hole. "It pierces and scans the data of one cartoon. Then it uses the premade gallons of ink inside to make cartoons like the scanned one, with a pinch of dissimilarity to keep them from being clones of each other. For every trait, there could be ten variations of a trait, so for a whole single cartoon, you could make thousands of clones." He wiggled his fingers in excitement. "In essence, it is the latest perfect invention. 50/50 male and female, with males being fixed. No relationships or kids, the cheapest ink around, just money money money. Only what the studio wants, the studio gets." Oh yes, he knew what the studio wanted to hear.

The Problem With Originals: Animaniacs FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now