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Being a human is a hard thing. You're always filled with emotions, contradictions, you have to make choices, sometimes impossible ones. The worst part I suppose is the conscience, the conscience is what makes people realize they've made a wrong choice, that's what makes them crave for forgiveness. 

The one thing harder than being a human is being immortal. Most immortal creatures of course wouldn't say that, but they weren't like me. They weren't still in touch with their humanity, some of them never even had it. 

So it is safe to suggest it wasn't hard for me to play human, not at all. I didn't have the basic needs, like sleep and food and possessed a lot of power but besides that you'd never even guess I am any different from you. Just a regular girl with her bad side and good side. A girl that was finally getting close to her dream, I was ready to do anything just to reach my one final goal. 

And when I saw them walk into that bar trust me, my heart started racing a little bit faster. I had heard a lot about them but the things I was told lately made me pack the bags and find them, wherever they were. They could be the key to my success, the information they were holding was what I needed so badly and even if I had to lie or play a role that didn't matter anymore, I knew they wouldn't help me if they understand the truth about me. 

I took a final sip of my alcohol, which didn't really make me feel better, but I had to do more human stuff now. Got my bag off the chair, put a pretty smile on my face and walked slowly towards their table, my eyes gazing straight into them. They looked a bit confused, their body language showed coutiousness, I could swear that the hand of one of them was on his gun, under his jacket. But all that couldn't change my calmness. 
-Are you the Winchesters? 


So this is literally my first supernatural fanfic and i hope you guys like it even though my ideas are a bit crazy :D i've written other stories before but it was years ago and i've lost training, i hope it'll still be interesting :) 

Until we bleed | Supernatural fanfiction |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora