Liam stands up and walks towards the door with Zayn following. Niall looks at Louis.

" Do we really have to go?" Niall asks. Louis stands up and reaches a hand out for Niall. Niall grabs it and stands up.

" Technically yes because we did do what you want, so it's only fair to do what Liam wants. Once again, we can go for a couple hours." Louis says.

" Do you plan on drinking?" Niall asks.

" I may drink a little, but I can stay sober for you." Louis says. The two walk to the front door where an impatient Liam was waiting with Zayn. The two boy slip their shoes on. Liam looks at Niall.

" I know you don't plan on drinking so you're driving." Liam says. Granted Niall was going to be DD tonight anyway, but it hurt Niall that he didn't even have the option to drink. He grabbed his keys anyway and the four headed to Niall's car. They got in and Liam gave Niall directions to the party.

Niall safely made it to the house and parked on the street. The friend group got out and started to walk to the party house. Niall could already feel himself cringing. He didn't want to be here.

They walked into the house and the smell of alcohol and sweat hit Niall's nose. He looked around the room and saw many different people dressed up in costumes. It's gonna be a long night for Niall.

Immediately, Niall and Louis lost Liam and Zayn. Niall frowns at Louis.

" Our costumes look dumb now." Niall pouts.

" We'll be fine Niall. People can still tell we're the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Louis says.

Just as Louis stated that, a random person yelled at the two of them," I love your costume! Turtle power!"

Niall brightened up. Okay, maybe the costume thing wouldn't be so bad.

As Niall glanced around the room, he noticed Harry's girlfriend dancing on another man that was clearly not Harry. Niall mentions to Louis and points to their direction.

" Is that who I think it is?" Niall asks.

" Holy shit, I think it is!" Louis says.

" That doesn't make any sense though. She's dating Harry." Niall says. As soon as he finished his sentence, Harry came from behind Niall. He was dressed up as a storm trooper from Star Wars.

" Niall! I love yours and Louis's costume! But where are the other two?" Harry says.

" Who the hell knows?" Niall shrugs his shoulders. Harry lets out a laugh.

" Do you want a drink?" Harry asks.

Niall shakes his head," I'm DD tonight."

" Seems to me that you're always the DD." Harry says.

" Don't even get me started. Sometimes Niall should be able to let loose!" Louis says. Harry lets out another laugh.

" Man, do I like spending time with both of you." Harry says. Niall plays with the bottom of his shirt. He really wants to know if him and his girlfriend aren't a thing anymore.

" Harry, can I ask you something?" Niall asks.

" Of course you can Ni." Harry says.

" Did you and your girlfriend break up?" Niall asks, playing with the bottom of his shirt. Harry lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair.

" Don't worry, I saw her tonight too. We have a lot to talk about, that's for sure." Harry says. Niall gives Louis a weird look. Louis shrugs his shoulders.

" Good thing I may have an interest in someone else." Harry states. Niall quickly snaps his head back to Harry. What the hell does that mean?

Before Niall could respond, Harry cuts him off again," Hey, I would love to stay and chat some more Ni, but I gotta get going. It was nice seeing you and once again, I love your costume."

Harry quickly pulls Niall in for a hug. Niall gladly embraces the hug. Harry pulls apart.

" See ya later Ni and Louis." Harry says. He walks away from the friends. Niall looks at Louis.

" Did you see that Lou?" Niall says excitedly.

" Of course I did. Things are looking your way Niall! I'm so proud!" Louis exclaims.

And with that, the two enjoyed the rest of their night. Maybe Niall's night wasn't so bad after all.


Hi! For some odd reason, I've been in a slump and I didn't want to write. But I had to continue because I'm not giving up on this story just yet.

Also school is starting up soon so I gotta start gathering stuff for it. I'm excited to go back but nervous because of the whole pandemic. We'll see how things go.

If you have any questions or comments or concerns, do not hesitate to voice your opinion! I would love to hear from you guys!

Thank you guys so much for reading. I love you all.


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