Chapter 11: The Ghostly Wedding

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//This picture will be your wedding dress. I hope you guys like this chapter. This is the end of it since I don't know what to do with this story at this point but I am very happy I wrote this for all of you guys.
I've been trying so hard to keep up with my other fanfics that this one was long overdue.//

Well… This was it. You are finally going to be bewedded to the King of the Boos. The deal was set and for what? To protect your friends from meeting their end? Of course! A risky situation to avoid but you had to go through with it all for them. You pondered on the wedding and what will happen in it.

Meanwhile, King Boo was floating in the air, figuring out a problem about you and him getting married. 

"Your majesty?" A Boo Ghost comes in through the throne doors.

"Yes? How is (Y/N) doing?" He stops levitating.

"She's been laying in her bed, awaiting for the day of the wedding. The problem I was going to ask you is- how are you going to marry a human?" 

"Those are my thoughts exactly. I need to figure out something. Perhaps… No, no. I think she would hate me if I went straight forward to do that." 

"Do what?" 

"Okay look, I was thinking that if we gave her a drink for our vows, we can get her to sip a poison that will kill her and make her become a ghost like I. But if she finds out without telling her, she-" 

"That's actually a great idea! But, I think you should tell her," the Boo Ghost interrupts, suggesting that King Boo goes with the plan and tells you the truth.

"I supposed, it is a ritual and she must go through with it. In order for us to be together, she must drink the potion. She'll be anew but dead~" King Boo chuckled by the thought of you being his ghostly bride.

You were laying down on your bed while a few ghosts were stitching up your wedding dress, sewing thread by thread as they add detail and accessories on them.

"May I come in?" King Boo knocks on the door.

The ghosts shook, nervous that their king would see his bride's unfinished dress. They flew into the wardrobe, taking the dress with them.

"You can come in," you said.

King Boo went through the door. "My love, today is the day and you look so glum. Whatever seems to be upsetting you?" 

"Well, it's the wedding. I'm not ready for this but I need to do this. I just want this done and over with so we can both be happy." 

"Speaking of being together," he sits on the bed. "I need to tell you the ritual between us. Like a normal mortal's wedding, we take a vow." 

"Promises? Well, yes. We will be together-" 

"That's exactly what I want to hear for you see? For a ghost wedding, you would have to drink on it." 

"That's it?" You raised your brow.

"I'm not finished, love. What I mean is that you'll be drinking something that will make you brand new. A different being." He takes your hands, giving them a kiss. "(Y/N)? Will you be my ghost bride?" 

Your eyes widened, shocked by what he means by drinking something that will change you. 

"It's a ritual that you must go through. It may not be an easy thing to do, dear but think about it? You'll be one of us and live out your days as an immortal queen where I treasure you for eternity. What do you say?" 

You rubbed your arm, feeling a tint of red on your cheeks. "I need time to think… This is too much to take in." 

"You have all the time in the world before dusk. You get your pretty face ready. I love you~" King Boo went through the floor. 

"Me? Drinking poison for us to be together? This is crazy! But my friends… Going to have to make this decision soon. Time is running out for me." Your thoughts on this ritual were giving you a headache. You closed your eyes, having your last rest before you go through with this wedding plan. 


Dusk was near, the sky was darkening. The wedding was taking place outside. The many Boos and ghosts were awaiting for the bride to show up at the altar where King Boo was waiting for you. 

The ghosts in your room dressed you in your wedding gown. They were making sure you looked very fitting for their king. Looking in the mirror, you looked like something out of a romantic horror movie. 
In your eyes, you can almost feel a tear but you didn't want it ruining your makeup. This is your only moment where you can physically walk with a beating heart to your king before becoming a ghost.

King Boo had his hands behind his back. He was very eager to marry you but at the same time keeping his composure. 
Here comes the bride was composed by a Boo and a few ghosts on the organ. You were making your way down the altar, your feet guiding you down to your king. 
There was a pedestal holding your potion to drink. You gulped, seeing the beverage just waiting to touch your lips. 
You walked up the stairs, King Boo assisting you up. 

"You look quite elegant and ravishing, my love," King Boo compliments.

A ghost flies up to them, opening an old, dusty book. He then blew the dust off of it, making you cough.
This upsetted the king, irritating him. "Will you mind?!" He growls, dusting off your dress.

"S-sorry, your majesty!" The ghost shivers, trying to flip through the pages.
"Here we are! Ghosts and ghouls, Boos from all over. We are gathered here this evening to see our majesty, King Boo, marry his soon-to-be queen, (Y/N) in unholy matrimony. If anyone objects to the wedding, speak now or forever hold your peace." 
The ghost flips through the next page.
"To drink on both of your vows, your bride must drink the potion." 

You take the potion that is sitting in your gold cup. You looked up at your king. He just grinned, nodding for you to drink it. 

"Once you consume it, you'll be as ghostly as he is. Forever without death being in the way of each other's love." 

You weren't hesitant about it. Your lips were slowly about to touch the cup. King Boo knew you were taking your time on drinking the potion. He knew you were scared. But this was the only way for the two of you to live equally together.

And so you finally took a big, slow sip… You froze in place, dropping your cup as it spills on the ground. You fell on your knees before falling on your side. You are dead. The ghosts and Boos had no feeling for it except some gasps. 
Your spirit came out of your physical body and you were surprised to see yourself like the rest of the ghosts. King Boo took your hands. 
You had tears falling down from your eyes, dripping down your chin.

"I pronounce you both husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the ghost finally finishes, closing the book.

You and King Boo connected your lips together and kissed under the moon. Everyone clapped, throwing dead roses on the ground whilst King Boo carries you, bridal style as you both take off.

The Ghost King's Mortal (King Boo X FemaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now