Dear Daughter

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To my darling daughter, Aoife.

Life is cruel, sweet girl, that is a lesson you will have to learn very quickly. 

There are some things you may never have, and I myself am struggling to understand why. 

There are experiences that you may never know or grow up with like many other children do, the gentle touch of a mother, a mother's guidance, or her support and love in you and only you. 

I'm afraid I have made a terrible error, one that has effected her greatly putting you in a negative light. But it is an error I cannot bring myself to regret. For if it were not for my decision I would not have you, my precious Aoife. 

I know it won't be easy for you to understand. Not being able to have what is right in front of you. 

But please believe me when I say that you are loved. And you always will be. 

 Your mother can be cold, yes, but if nothing else I love that woman, I love her to shreds, and I have made her unhappy, but that is my burden alone, a truth I myself will have to carry, and I apologize if that comes to bring you grief. 

Yet another decision I will have to live with.

I pray that if things never change that you will find peace in the way things are, find comfort in the family you've been born into, and find love where there is none. And perhaps you will, or maybe you'll think of our family as normal, knowing little else, perhaps things will change and you will never have to read these letters.

But if you find pain, doubt, or loneliness in our family dynamic 

Then please know....

I am truly sorry.

Love, Daddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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