It's him. The play bunny guy.

Girls giggles and admired the tall man as he introduced himself. You were confused and kept glancing at Finn.

"My name is Hades Groves. I'm your mew teacher." He smiles and glances at you.You tense up before looking away.

A student raises her hands and Hades looks at her. "Yes?"

"Where is our other teacher? Ms. Western?"

"Ms. Western had a little accident. So i'm filling in for her until she gets better." Hades smiles and you could see the way the girl sunk back into her seat sighing in awe.

"Now it may take me a while to know all your if i say your name incorrectly, don't be afraid to correct me." He says and sits down at his desk and grabs a clipboard.

He starts listing all the names and would get a few wrong but they wouldn't correct him. Then he gets to your name. You raise your hand and he looks up.

His sharp eyes are piercing into yours as you gulp. He then looks back down and continues before starting a lesson.

Once class finished you grabbed your stuff and notice everyone leavening but a few girls stood by his desk trying to get to know more. You then walk up and clear your throat.

The girls look at you and they smile before leaving. Once the doors closed you looked at him.

"I didn't know you were a teacher."

"I'm not. I'm here to keep an eye on you." He says and goes to wipe the ink off the board.

"Pah! What are you? My fucking babysitter?"

"Natalia hired me to keep an eye on you." He replies and puts the eraser down before clapping his hands together getting the stuff off his hands.

"What..? Why?"

"Because someone called in a missing persons report on your parents."

"Well shit. I thought no one would care that they were gone."

"Well the place your mother worked at, called the station. Now they're trying to look into it."


"But don't men will take care of it." He smirks and leans towards you. You put your palm on his forehead and gently push his head away.

"Too close, sir."

"'s not like i'm going to kiss you. You're a kid after all." He chuckles and grabs your wrists gently before pulling it down.

His hands were rough but gentle at the same time. You pulled your hand away and looked away before hearing the bell ring. You let out a groan but then once you turn around you see a slip in front of your face.

He's holding a pink slip and you see it's a tardy slip. You take it and thank him before leaving the classroom.

"Curse that good looking man." You grumble before walking to your next class.

You finally get home and look around for Natalia. Then you see her walk out her room with a broom. She must've been cleaning.

"Oh hey! How was school? Anything happen?"

"Yeah something did. Why the hell did you hire Hades to look after me?" You ask and cross your arms.

"Didn't he tell you why?"

"Well yeah-"

"Then there is the reason why and stop acting like you don't want him to watch after you. You're obviously attracted to him." Natalia says and puts the broom in a closet. She then goes to the kitchen to turn on the sink.

"He's good looking, so what? I can't be attracted to good looking people?"

Natalia looks over at you before giving you this look. You rolled your eyes and kept your arms crossed.

"But what about Finn?" She asks and looks back at the sink.

"Why do you keep bringing him up? We're not even dating." You say starting to get angry.

"Stop dragging him into this." You continue and clench your fists.

Natalia basically snaps her neck by just turning her head at you. Her eyebrows are narrowed and you could tell by her glare that she's angry as well.

"Hey! I didn't drag your little boyfriend into shit! He volunteered to help. He's just as psycho as you are." Natalia comments before she slams a cup into the sink.

"Well it was your fucking idea to cut them up! You're just as psycho as I am and you were fucking sober when you came up with the idea!" You shout and clench your hands.

Natalia then turns off the sink water and approaches you before she raises her hand and smacks you across the face. Your hair is in the way and you can hear Natalia gasp.

"Y/n..i'm sor-"


You don't even look at her. You then walk away rubbing your cheek and slam your room door shut.

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