Chapter 7

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They all walked out and told your parents everything that happened and what you said

Honey: What was that all about

Reid: The meds they gave her have psychotic drawbacks so she won't remember anything she said in the next 24 hours

Jaden: Will she be ok afterwards

Rossi:She said some pretty strong things but she will have some problems I assume the doctor will tell you more

Noah:So are you gonna tell us about payton?

Emily:Thats him right there(they all turn to see payton handcuffed walking into your room they leave him there)

Josh:Lets go see how this turns out (theyre all at the window watchingyou guys talk)

Payton:I cant belive you told

U:I didn't they already knew

Payton:Well karmas a bitch no wonder you go shot

U:For your information I let him shoot me so that if I died my family would be safe

Payton:But your not dead

U:I know I plan on fixing that

Payton:It went work cause once I'm out ill take out everyone you love

U:THE HELL YOU WILL!(you got up and started choking him that when the police came in and took you off)


You were so angry you were just furious you grabbed your bag and took the Jul out you didn't care that everyone was watching from outside you started to vape

Honey:Jordan are you vaping!!

U:yea I have been for awhile


U:Because I can ok

Anthony:Cant you just tell us who you truly are

they were all looking at you your heart sank you felt light and fainted everyone rushed to the doctors they got you up and put a ventilator on you so you could breathe

Adopted by Braddison Part 2- Haydens life (Honey+Jaden)Where stories live. Discover now