27: Fight for this Love

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"You know what I think" he chuckled. "I think he is a nice lad"

"Is that all? A nice lad?" I chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 

"I trust him" he smiled, all joking now aside. "He's been a part of the family for so long, that I know everything about him. And I know he won't break your heart. He's a good one. Make sure you hold onto him. If you really love him, you'll fight for him"

"Thanks dad" I smiled, hugging my ever so wise father.

I stood at the front door of Jason's house, the large door looming over me. I was debating whether or not just to run away until I ran out of breath. I didn't think I was ready to do this. But then my father's words ran through my mind. If I wanted Jason in my life, I had to fight for him. And fight for him I would. I just had to make the first move and knock on the door.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my heart thundering in my chest. I raised a shaky fist to the door and quickly chapped it before I changed my mind. This was it, no going back now.  I didn't have to wait long for the door to be answered as it was opened by a dishevelled looking Jason. I was kind of glad his parents didn't answer, as I didn't know how they felt about the whole situation and I could easily bypass any awkward conversations.

Jason's blond hair, which was normally kempt, was standing up in all sorts of ways. His plain white t-shirt had a couple of food stains dotted around and he was in a pair of jogging bottoms. His attire was usually so immaculate I had never seen him like this before.

"Wow, you look like you've been swept up in a hurricane" I said, before I could stop myself.

Jason chuckled, rolling his eyes "Thanks for that. I suppose I've had better days"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that" I gave a small smile, hoping he would accept my apology.

"No, you're right. I do look like a hot mess" he groaned, looking down at his appearance.

"Well, you were always hot" I mumbled before I even realised what I had said. I sighed and closed my eyes, desperately hoping he hadn't heard that.

"I suppose that makes up for the other 'compliment' you were trying to give me" he laughed.

"And to show you how truly sorry I am, and not just for commenting on your appearance, I come bearing gifts". I produced a little gift bag and handed it to him.

He opened it and laughed at the contents inside as he pulled them out. "Oreos"

"And there will be plenty more of them in your future if I can come in and tell you how sorry I am"

He gave a small smile and opened the door wider for me, letting me in. I smiled to him, grateful that he at least let me in. That was a step in the right direction. His mom and dad were in the kitchen and I gave them a wave before heading up to Jason's bedroom. The house was noticeably quiet, save for the clattering of a few pots and pans from the kitchen.

"I'm guessing Liz is still at Ian's?" I said as I sat down on his bed.

Jason came to sit down beside me and sighed "Yeah. She's refusing to speak to me. No matter how many times I've tried to call her so we can talk about things, she just won't answer her phone. She's been keeping in touch with my parents though, but they do miss her"

"If it helps matters, she's also ignoring my calls and messages"

"She's always been so stubborn" he gave a small chuckle, ruffling his hands through his hair.

"Have you spoken to Ian?" I asked, hoping that at least their friendship could be mended.

"I have. I've had a few days to think about things and maybe I did handle things badly at the party" he sighed.

Oh,Brother! (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن