We got out the car, me silently brooding about the day ahead. I remained silent during the car ride back home, mainly due to my sugar rush. Maybe I should have taken Liz up on her offer and done something today. Even if it was a trip out to the movies or something, it would have been better than moping around all day.

"Your father and I are planning to spend the day in the garden if you wish to join us?" My mom said.

I shrugged "Sure, why not. I'm not doing anything else today"

"Are you not going out with Liz or anyone today?" My dad asked as we made our way back into the house.

"No" I sighed dejectedly. "I said to her I didn't want to do anything today. And besides, I'd rather spend the day with you guys. I've had a great day and a day in the garden sounds like the perfect way to spend my birthday" I smiled.

As we entered the house, my phone buzzed, indicating a text message.

Liz: Happy Birthday to my sister from another mister. Hope you have the greatest day. I'll come over later and make sure you're not spending your birthday sleeping, lol x

I couldn't help but laugh. I was about to respond to her, not really looking where I was going as I knew the route to the garden like the back of my hand, when I noticed my mom and dad talking in hushed tones.

"Is everything okay?"

My mom placed her hand on the door, gave me a huge smile, and opened the door with a flourish.

"SURPRISE!" a chorus yelled. There stood a large group of people in my garden, the garden filled with streamers, balloons, and tables set up with lots of food.

I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor, my mind a blur as to what was happening. "What is going on right now?" I asked, dumfounded.

"You didn't think we would let you celebrate your birthday just moping around the house all day, now did we?" My dad chuckled.

"It was actually Liz's idea. She organised the whole thing. The birthday breakfast was just a distraction so Liz could set up the garden while we were away"

"I can't believe this. You guys pulled this off amazingly. I am well and truly surprised" I looked down at what I was wearing and breathed a sigh of relief "It now makes sense why you asked me to change my outfit"

"Of course, I wasn't letting my daughter dress in an old t-shirt to her own birthday party" my mom chuckled. "I'm glad you chose that eventually. It's a nice outfit"

I smiled, remembering the memories this outfit brought. I hoped it would bring many more.

"Happy birthday you. Are you surprised?" Liz ran over, hugging me.

"Of course, I was so not expecting this. I was actually ready to go to bed. you have no idea how much sugar I've had right now. I'm on such a sugar high" I laughed. "Thanks Liz, you're the best" I hugged Liz, showing her how much she meant to me.

"Of course. I was not going to let my bestie spend her birthday all alone, no matter how much you convinced me otherwise. I figured since you were such a homely person, the best thing to do was throw a party at home"

I looked around at all the effort Liz had gone to make my day special. Colourful balloons were placed all around the garden fence. Streamers were placed all around, adding to the party vibe. A table lay in the middle of the garden, filled with little sandwiches and cakes and all sorts of other nibbles.

I greeted all my friends that came along, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much. I had always liked the simple life, and this garden party with my nearest and dearest was the best way to celebrate my birthday.

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