liked by 2,343,132 userscitruslemon CLUB! CLUB! CLUB! CLUB! CLUB! CLUB!📷: elameeeee

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📷: elameeeee

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user the fitttt

madisonbaileybabe those shoes look familiar
citruslemon hmmmm can't put my finger on it

user i love lemon's new friends so much! they seem so nice and loyal
comment liked by citruslemon

lucyhale ur too hot to be real
citruslemon says you ;)

user why are you going out?
citruslemon celebrating my friends' show coming out :)

user in my opinion she shouldn't be going out and wearing skimpy clothing right after a break up. like be respectful to blake :( he deserves better
user good thing she doesn't care about your opinion
comment liked by citruslemon

drewstarkey clubs are so overrated
citruslemon of course you would say that you are like 50 years old
drewstarkey ouch :'(

madelyncline that's my bestie
hichasestokes go bestie
austinnorth go bestie
rudypankow go bestie
citruslemon you guys are so weird

kendalljenner i need to borrow that dress sometime
citruslemon next time we go out! promise ;)
user lemon just casually being friends with the kardashians
comment liked by madelyncline drewstarkey and 4,532 others

elameeeee you are a literal angel
citruslemon only because i have the best photographer


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madelyncline tomfoolery: what happened last night edition

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immediately as the group stepped into the club lemon headed straight to the bar. it had been so long since she had drank, blake thought when girls drank they looked less lady-like so lemon made sure to only have one or two glasses of wine when around him.

"dang lemon! eager much" drew said walking up to the bar next to her
"just a little" she said with a wink as she walked away with her drink

the group were at a table all tipsy, except elaine and lemon who were drunk and loud.
"oh my god! i love this song" lemon screeched as wannabe played throughout the club "come on girls lets go dance" she yelled as she pulled elaine up with her. drew stood up to go with but lemon pushed him back down "no drew it's girl time"
"it's always girl time" he complained as the boys started laughing

after the song finished lemon came running back to the table "drew" she dragged out "come dance with me" she said grabbing his hand
"okay" he laughed as he stood up
"just kiss already" rudy yelled as drew turned around and flipped him off

the rest of the night was filled with the girls blackout drunk as the boys tried to keep them in line so they could get home safe

"hey drew" lemon called after he put her to bed
"yes lem" he said smiling
"can you please stay with me, i don't want to die from choking on throw up or something"
"of course i can" drew said walking back over to the bed

ALL I ASK, DREW STARKEYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora