Gone girl

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Betty's PoV
I woke up early, to my usual morning music, but today I turned it of, got up, went into the bathroom and took a shower, after I cut my hair from elbow length to shoulder length, it's gotten worse, depression, anxiety, PTSD, RLS, hate everything. My medication is severe, when I take it I don't feel depressed, I don't feel sad, angry, happy, confused, I just feel, empty. Words circle in my head, whore, useless anything and everything usually like that. My anxiety hurts my head, my stomach my RLS mixing with anxiety makes it worse, my leg constantly bouncing, my left side aching more then the right. Out of control, my PTSD that night, Nick. Help, get off me, stop, no, help. But no one came, I should of never got to the swimming haul.
??-oh look it's the slut
??-no, she's to fat to be a slut
??-no she was a slut then she got fat, she's a big fat slut
??-your so true
I walked over to the smaller hot tub like circle that was in the swimming haul, right beside the trees.
I took of my dress, revealing my dark blue underwear, then removed my hair tie from my bun, I never wore my classic ponytail anymore.I thought that this was going to be abonfire, not a swimming party. I slowly got in, the water warmer than the larger pool like swimming haul. Jughead and the guys in the main swimming area, along with Cheryl, Archie, Veronica, Jughead and Toni, Sweets and Josie by the bonfire along with Fangs and Kevin. The music was turned up, hurting my ears. I looked up when I heard someone walk in.
Nick-hey there Betty
B-hi nick
N-so is it true?
B-is what true?
N-that you cheated on Jughead with Archie, and Chuck, and SweetPea, and Trevor, and Ben, oh and we can't forget Dilton? Is it true?
I started at him with tears in my eyes, in slight shock.
B-no, why would I do that?
N-because Jughead's boring.
B-I would never cheat on him.
(A/n in this au chuck, and all the boys I named are nice)
Chuck-yes Nicholas?
N-did you and Cooper bang in bed?
Chuck-no, no offence but your not my type Betty, besides she's with Jughead.
N-or is she?
Chuck-shut up nick, by Betty.
B-bye Chuck.
N-I still don't believe him.
B-well, you should. I didn't cheat on him with any of those boys.
N-or maybe you cheated on him with a girl, Ginger? I mean we all know that your bisexual.
B-I am bisexual, but I still didn't cheat.
In the distance I heard Moose shout.
Moose-Turn the music up!!
It slowly turned up, the hot tub was further into the trees, so we could still hear each other talk.
N-well do you wanna test that?
He got up and walked towards me, I tried to go to my right but he grabbed me, turned me around and bent me over the edge, I tried to reach my arm out, I did, I tried to scramble up but he just grabbed my arm and put both of my arms under my chest. He pulled my underwear down as well as his, he slowly entered me.
B-help!! Nick get of me!! Stop!! No!! Get of me!!
But he didn't stop, he sped up, he used his other hand to push my head on the hard forest floor. He covered my mouth with his right hand and held my head down the with his left. My screams became sobs, then cries, then whimpers, then I felt nothing, I felt empty, I stopped making noise. I fell limp. His hand left my mouth and he just pushed my legs apart. All I could feel was the hair in my face and tears running down my cheek. After what felt like a lifetime, he stopped, got off me and pulled my underwear up, along with his.
N-turns our Cooper is as good as her new reputation upholds.
He left the hot tub and walked back to the swimming haul, I slowly slid back into the tub, I turned around so my back was against the wall. I walked out to the steps and picked up my dress and boots, I walked past the bonfire where Sweets, Fangs and Jouquin were all talking. I walked past Toni, Cheryl Josie, Ronnie and Ginger were all talking, I walked past the swimming haul where, Juggie, Archie, Chuck, Moses and Reggie were all messing around. I walked past Ben and Dilton who were controlling the music. I walked past Ginger who was getting drinks for Jason, her boyfriend. Jason was also with juggie. I walked into the woods, barefoot. I got to the road and walked back home, ignoring my wet drenched hair, the mascara running down my face, my dress getting drenched by by hair. I walked all the way home. I saw no car in the driveway, I walked in the house, straight to my bedroom, that is no longer pink, but is a navy blue. I drop my bags and go to my bathroom. I turn the shower on, take my clothes of a get in, I scrub and scrub till my body stings.
Flashback over
I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tired, tired of the world, the words spoken behind my back. I only had on black underwear.I opened my cabinet and get out the razors , I took one out of the packet and put it to my wrist. Then *knock knock*
A-hunny? It's your mum here, you ok?
B-yeah, I'm ok.
I slid down the wall and sat on the floor, putting the razor on my wrist.
A-you sure baby?
I cut a deep cut
A-that's good, tell me if you need anything?
B-yeah, will do
A-ok, well breakfast will be downstairs if you want any, ok?
B-yeah, ok, thanks mum.
I heard footsteps walk away, I looked down at my now bloody wrists, cuts all along from my elbow down to my wrist, on each arm. My palms clasped every time I can get. My outer thigh, covered in scars, my inner thigh covered in scars. Old scars new scars, everywhere. I got up and put a bandage on them along with my thighs and put a black baggy top on, along with a plain black oversized hoodie, black leggings that were a few sizes to big so they weren't to tight. Then my normal black converse. I brushed my hair, well, with my hands and parted it down the side. I walked downstairs and sat down at the table, I see my sister along with her twins brothers Chic and Charles, they're seniors. Then me, the junior, my dad at one end and mum at the other. I sit down and look at the food.
P-c'mon Betts! Here, your favourite! Chocolate chip pancakes!!
B-I'm ok, that's polly
A-hunny......did you take your meds today. (A/n Alice isn't a control freak and is actually a good mother, season 4 ended and I still don't like her)
H-baby, why
B-I don't know, I just-....... I just don't wanna feel empty, I feel empty when I take them.
I looked down at my lap and sighed
B-I don't know, ok? I'd rather feel one emotion then none at all.
Charles- betty, if this is about what happened-
B-it's not about what happened!
They all looked at me with shock
B-sorry, I just- I'm sorry
H-baby you don't have to be sorry, none of it is your fault. None of it.
P-it's fucking Nicks fault. That piece of shit. I'll hurt him
Ch+ch- already did that
A-so did you polls
P-I know I just wanna smash his face
H-look, Betty hunny, call us any time and we'll pick you up, ok?
I nodded my head, dad gave me a apple and kissed my forehead. I smiled and got up to go to school.
I sat down at lunch, planning out what I was going to do when.
J-baby! Hey!
Jug sat down next to me, kissed my cheek and stole a fry from me.
(A/n couples Cheryl+ Toni, Archie+Ronnie, Kevin+Fangs,  Sweets+Josie, Chuck+Sarah)
Chuck- so baby coop, what's up?
B-nothing much
Chuck- I'm sorry
B-bout what?
Chuck- that night
God why did he bring that up
Chuck- I should of stayed, I know it happened a while ago and he has 26 years but I could've stopped it
B-it's ok Chuck, really it is.
He nodded. Then my cousins came
Ch+Sp- cousin!
B-hey guys
Sp-so how is my fav cousin, other then Cheryl
(A/n Penelope+Alice+penny=sisters, not triplets, plus they're all nice, everyone except nick and the non relevant people in this are nice)
B-I'm good, feeling better
J-you sure baby?
I nodded and gave them such a convincing fake smile I wonder did it was real myself
I walked down the hall with Toni and Fangs, we were walking to my locker, when someone walked by, I heard them say "she probably asked for it" after they said it they looked at me, Toni and Fangs noticed cuz they took me into the girls bathroom.
T-hey, don't believe them ok?
I carried on crying into Fangs's shoulder.
F-they're assholes
I nodded as they rubbed my back and massaged my hair.
I walked home, I promised jug that I would text him when I got back home. I walked in and saw that they were all asleep watching TV, I always stay later to finish with the blue and gold. I went upstairs and got my phone out.
I called jug and he picked up.
B-hey jug
J-hey Betts, you ok?
B-yeah I'm ok, what about you?
J-I'm great, so tomorrow when you get to school, I'm never gonna let you go.
J-cuz, I have a date set up for us
B-that's sweet jug
J-I can't wait, so I'll see you tomorrow?
B-see you soon jug
J-I love you
B-I love you most
J-bye baby
B-bye jug.
I ended the call and cried on my bed. I walked over to my desk, got out a piece of paper and wrote, a letter.
After I finished writing the letter, I got up folded it neatly, put it on my desk, went into my bathroom and cleaned up, I got out my pills, walked back into my room, put them on my desk. I folded all my clothes, finished all my homework; made a new voicemail answer.
Old one: hey it's beefy Cooper, sorry I can't reach the phone right now, I might answer you back. If your juggie I'll definitely answer you
New one: hey.....it's Elizabeth Marie Rose Cooper, I also go by Betty *sniffs* I'm sorry, I love you, all of you. Mum, dad, Polly, Chic and Charles, Josie, Kevin, Ronnie, Archie, Chuck, Sarah, Cheryl, Fangs, Toni, Sweetpea and juggie. God I love you. I'm sorry I'll never get to see you get married, have kids, I'm sorry I ruined your life, it's just better this way. I love you, I had the best friends, the best Family and the best boyfriend, anyone could ever wish for. I'm sorry, I love you.
I changed into Pyjamas, removed my bandages, I got my pills, opened them, put them all in my hand, then swallowed as many as possible. I drank some water, then more pills, then water and so on.
I walked around my room, sweating, burning up from the inside. Beads of sweat dripping down my face, I got into bed, coughing. I couldn't stop, I cried in pain, I deserve it, I'm a burden, I'm not worth anything, slut, cow, worthless. I cried, foam coming from my mouth, my throat burning. The world drifting in and out of black. I cried and cried, I slowly began to feel numb, then I felt nothing, I closed my eyes, then the darkness took me.
Hal's PoV
We just woke up from having a nap, we missed the film. Alice got up and quickly cooked up a mac n'cheese, we quickly set the table; then Alice went upstairs to get Betty, she came down with no Betty.
H-where's Betty?
A-let her be, her depression isn't getting any better, I don't think I've seen any child this hurt before, I mean Katie my mum dying, then Ruby committing suicide, now that your mum is Ill......
H-she won't make it, even she thinks so. But we are going to see her in a couple days.
Chic-that sounds good, this is really good food mum
Charles- agreed, best Mac n' cheese ever.
A-thanks baby's
P-it's just sad you know, the youngest Cooper ever, has the hard life, she doesn't deserve it, she's only 17; she still the baby even if she isn't a baby anymore.
H-she'll get better, we can't pressure her anymore. She just needs time.
H-good night Polls
P-good night daddy
H-still calling me daddy?
P-I'm still your little girl. Even though I'm 18 love you dad
H-love you too
I kissed her forehead and walked into the boys room
Chic-night dad
Charles-night dad
H-love you two
Ch+ch-love you too dad
I walked out the room and towards Betty's, I slowly opened the door and looked at my little pumpkin.
*whisper*H-I love you pumpkin
I shut her door and walk to Alice and I's room. I quickly change, then get into bed, Alice comes in soon after, we turn the lamps of and we hug.
A-I'm worried
H-me too
A-I just.....don't want her hurting herself more then she already does.
H-she just wants high school to end, she can do it.
A-what if she can't
H-we'll help her: I promise
A-so do I
H-I love you
A-I love you too.
A-ok, breakfast has been down here for 10 minutes go and get Betty please; she needs to eat.
I chuckle and kiss her head, I head upstairs and knock on Betty's door,
No one answered, I opened the door
H-Betty, come on your gonna be late for school
I headed towards her bead, I looked over at her face. Oh my god. I quickly turned her over and saw foam rosins her mouth and on her bed.
H-ALICE! Call 911!! 
I heard footsteps run upstairs, then gasps, I turned around and saw Them all standing there.
H-Call 911!!
Chic- um yes hello! I need and ambulance and **************** , my sister she took some pills and she's not waking up!! Thank you!
H-betty, hey baby, come on. Wake up for me.
Alice was crying in the background, along with Polly, Charles was crying while holding them; I moved betty to the bed.
Chic- dad the paramedics won't be able to get the ambulance bed up here! The lady's said to bring her outside!!
I quickly lifted her up and took her outside to the front yard.
I placed her on the grass.
H-come on baby! Wake up.
I took of my sweater and cleaned her face, then I looked or a pulse. None, she was freezing; ice cold. Colder then ice cold.
I knew that there was nothing I could do, I heard doors open from the neighbourhood, I saw Archie come out and stare with wife eyes.
I lifted Betty as best as I could into my lap, I hugged her and hugged her, crying, then I heard an ambulance. They ran towards me, but stopped when they saw me
H-she's gone
Paramedic- I'm so sorry, but we need to bring her to the hospital
H-my baby! My baby!
Alice rushed out and grabbed Betty's hand, kissing it over and over again.
A-I'm sorry, baby, please come back. Please!!
H-I'm sorry.
Jugheads PoV
I walked into school and saw Betty's locker, decorated with all sorts, I knew that not even half of them were from us, we only saw this right then. I placed my flowers down, then walked out of school.
Sp-Jughead! I need to come with you, Cheryl too. It's to much for us, we've all known her the longest
I nodded and Cheryl walked out, we all walked to the Cooper house, out feet leading us the way. We knocked on the door, a distraught looking Alice Answered the door.
Sp-Auntie Alice
She sobbed and let us in, she went over to the couch and just sat there.
We walked up to her room. And looked around. I saw a letter on her desk.
Ch-I don't expect anything grand...........she liked simple things
I opened the letter.
                                   I'm sorry
                                             -Betty Cooper
We just came back from Court, Nick got 10 years, I still think that that's not long enough. I walked to her grave, that was buried a month ago. I crouch down and place her new flowers her on her headstone. I trace my hands Over her name
J-I forgive you, forever.

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