Cyprien an Matthew

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Cyprien unlocks his door expecting to be the first one there but surprised to see his roommate already unpacked, he looks like hes been there for hours already made at home in his bed reading what appeared to be a Marvel comic.

"Hey" Cyprien says walking farther into his room over the the empty bed that he would now be sleeping in.

"Hey" Matthew says sitting up resting his comic right beside him on his bed.

To Cyprien Matthew didnt look like the kind of guy to read a comic book but more as an easy going popular kid. He could tell right off the bat he was gonna be popular I mean he has dark  hair might I add its curly an bright blue eyes. All those things are the key to being popular adding in too the fact it is extremely obvious hes a football player an fan with all the posters an medals he has already hung up on his side of the room.

"I'm Cyprien" Cyprien says placing down his bags on the bed. "You can just call my Cyp though if you want"

"Cyprien.... sounds like a Greek name" Matthew says standing up beside his bed picking up his book an putting it on the table beside his bed.

"It is but it's also french" Cyprien informs  him while not even looking at him but too focused on putting his clothes away.

"So which one are you?" Matthew asks while reaching for his football jacket probably from some team he was on in school or just in general an putting one arm through it.

"French, well French Canadian I come from Quebec" Cyp informs him while walking into his closet an putting his suitcase up on the top shelf.

"Ah, a Canadian boy. Nice" Matthew says while walking back to his bedside table grabbing his phone an taking it off the charger.

"Well I'm Matthew, an I gotta go or I'm gonna miss football tryouts" he says putting his phone in his pocket an grabbing his dorm card

"School doesn't even start till tommorow though" Cyprien replies to Matthew while taking a seat on his bed.

"Your right it doesn't but the coach wants tryouts today so practice can start early" Matthew says walking to the door "Nice talking to you" Matthew kindly says to Cyprien while walking out.

"Oh" Matthew yells while popping his head back in "and you can call me Matt" he laughs getting a laugh from Cyprien too.

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