"Can you imagine what it must have been like all these years ago, with kings and queens and servants and court jesters?" I asked as I looked around in awe of my surroundings.

"I think it would have been fun to be a king and have a queen by your side"

"I don't think kings were particularly kind in those days. I'll stick to being my own boss queen" I laughed as we entered the courtyard of the castle. The cobbled ground and the large building looming over us, made me feel like I had been transported back to the medieval times.

As we explored the castle, we discovered so many facts, such as King James VI was crowned king at only thirteen months old, and that pirates and prisoners were captured and held below Crown . Jason's hand was in mine the whole time, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

We walked up the many stairs to the castle until we reached the top, cannons placed inside the walls, showing the wars and fights that happened before. The green hills of Edinburgh could be seen ahead, the sun from the bright sky above bouncing of the green grass.

I sighed and laid my head against his shoulder as we took in the view "This is beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as the view I'm looking at" he smirked, looking down at me.

I could feel myself blush and buried my face further into his shoulder, his chuckle vibrating through me as he kissed the top of my head. The feeling of being with Jason was surreal, but it felt so right.

It seemed like we weren't the only ones that were feeling the magic of Scotland. Couples around us were all cuddled up, like penguins warming up in the cold, holding hands and laughing with one another. On any other day, seeing couples all loved up would annoy me, but today, with me being all loved up myself, I was happier than ever at the sight of love.

One couple were even more loved up than the rest, as the guy dropped down to his knee, pulling a ring out of his pocket as he proposed to his girlfriend. I gasped as I waited for his girlfriend's answer. She gasped herself and squealed as she said yes. I couldn't help but smile myself as I watched them hug and kiss.

"Awwww, that's so romantic" I cooed, watching as he placed the ring on his girlfriend's finger.

"I suppose there is nothing more romantic than proposing at a castle" Jason smiled "Its one way of showing you'll be king and queen forever"

"That's a nice way to put it" I smiled.

"But super cheesy" Jason rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. Of course, it was too good to be true that I could imagine that Jason would be a complete romantic.

But that didn't stop him from spending all his time with me during the rest of the week. We explored as much as we could in the little time we had left. After work, we would go out for walks, being tourists in the city of Edinburgh. I couldn't stop smiling all week being with Jason. Paris may be the city of love, but Edinburgh was a place of magic. There was so much to see and do, such as the Elephant House café which Aisha had recommended, The National Museum of Scotland and Camera Obscura just to name a few.

But all too soon the fairy tale had to end and our last night arrived all to quickly. I woke up that morning feeling completely dejected and Jason could sense my change in mood. "Hey, why the long face?"

"I've just loved being here and I don't want to go back yet" I sighed.

Jason smiled, moving a strand of my hair and kissing me lightly on the lips. "I know, but we've got to go back eventually"

"Can I not just stay here forever?" I say burrowing further into Jason's chest, holding on to him and not letting go.

"I wish we could but first we've got to get to work" I groaned as Jason laughed, dragging me out of bed to get ready for work. "How about we go out for dinner tonight? Sort of like a date?"

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