There was a sitting area upstairs, but other than the two bedrooms and the bathroom, there was nothing else to look at, so I went downstairs. The room I looked at first was another bedroom. A bunk bed with red sheets was first in view. Then as you walk in you see the two dressers and a vanity in the corner. This room was primarily off-white and red. I was assuming Zayn and Liam would stay here, or my sisters when they came.

After that room was the last bedroom. A blue theme to it again. Blue curtains and a blue carpet. It had a king sized bed, a vanity, and an ottoman at the end of the bed. I was assuming the moms would stay here together. Harry's mom and my mom were extremely close. Practically sisters so sharing a room and a bed wouldn't be a problem for them I could guess.

After I had walked around and looked at the kitchen, dining room, porch, and the other two bathrooms, Harry and his mom arrived. As they wandered in, I explained to my mom and Anne that I could assume they were going to take this room, pointing in the blue themed room, and they looked in and agreed almost instantly. As they were talking about their plans as they unloaded some of their things, I noticed Harry wandering upstairs, probably looking for his room.

He wandered into mine as I followed him up the stairs, turned to me and said "I see you've already picked your room." He grins. I smile.

"Yup, so you've got to pick one."

He wanders out and into the room opposite of mine with the same layout.

"This one's almost identical. I'll take it." He says throwing his suitcase on the wooden bench by the windowsill.

"What do you want to do right now? Your sisters are coming tomorrow and for the rest of the day, we have nothing scheduled." I say.

"Let's go on a walk. Just explore what's around here." He says as he bounces off the bed where he had been sitting.

We run downstairs and yell to our moms that we're heading out. He opens the door for me and as I walk out I jokingly bow to him and say "Thank you sir." He chuckles and follows me out. As we're walking, silence slowly creeps up on us. Harry and I never really have a problem with making conversation, it's always just come easily for us, but tonight's been different. To break the silence I yell, "Race you to the end of the road!" and take off. I hear Harry yell behind me "You could've given me a warning or something!" I ignore him and sprint as fast as I can. I see Harry gaining on me from the corner of my eye, but there's no way he's beating me. I sprint faster and gain more distance between the two of us. About 150 feet left until the road intersects another street and we get to stop our running. I feel my heart race as my adrenaline kicks in. I make it to the end of the street and stop, breathing heavily and panting. Harry was just a few feet behind me so when we stop he almost runs into me. I catch my breath quickly but I notice it's not as easy for Harry to do. He puts his hand to his chest and his other hand on my shoulder to gain balance as he breathes loudly. He pants and gives me a face of pain. Oh god I forgot Harry has bad asthma.

"C'mon Harry, just breath." I say putting my arm on his shoulder. He doesn't have his inhaler so we just have to wait for him to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry I forgot you have asthma."

He gives me a face of pain mixed with "how did you forget". I instantly feel a wave of guilt. God Harry's in so much pain and it's my fault. I put my other hand on Harry's shoulder as he winces with every breath.

"In and out. In and out." I say breathing along with him. "You've got this. Just keep breathing."

He can't even get any words out. This attack is one of the worst ones I've witnessed. And it's my fault.

His eyes start to get watery as he flinches from the pain. Luckily, I can see that he's starting to catch his breath. Each breath is starting to look a little bit easier for him. As he finally is able to breathe with a more usual pattern, he wraps his arms around me and tucks his head into my neck.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora