Trailer One-Shot

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Music; Hey, Jude BY The Beatles

[Wanda wakes up, screaming and crying.]

Vision: "What happened, Wanda?"

[A few objects fly around her.]

Wanda: "Nightmare."

[In Wakanda.]

Vision: "She has... Changed."

[CUT to Wanda grabbing her head and screaming in agony.]

Vision: "And I am deeply afraid it is because of me."

[Wanda's eyes turn yellow.]

Bucky: "Okay. No matter what happens: we need to keep her away from that gem."

[Wakanda's barrier is attacked by Wanda.]

Bucky: "I feel so betrayed right now."

[CUT to Wanda sitting on her bed. Yellow magic erupts from her hands as she looks shocked.]

T'Challa: "We have to stop her."

Sasha: "To what cost?"

[They let the barrier down.]

T'Challa: "If necessary: her life."

[CUT to Wanda who battles against them.]

Wanda: "They took everything away from me and you did nothing!"

Sasha: "She's my best friend. I would never take her life."

T'Challa: "Then I am afraid you will have to be kept."

Bucky: "What?"

[CUT to Wanda overpowering Vision.]

Shuri: "That stone is killing her."

Okoye: "We have to kill her first or we will extinct."

[CUT to Sasha locked up. Bucky sits by her.]

Sasha: "It's the stone. It manipulates her."

Bucky: *takes her hand* "And we know what that feels like."

[CUT to Sasha unleashing all of her power, surrounded by black smoke, her eyes and some veins turning black.]

Vision: "It has consumed her. If we don't stop her, she'll end all life in Wakanda and beyond."

[CUT to Bucky and Sasha in a library.]

Bucky: "Uh, Sash..."

[Sasha looks at him and the book he found. Her eyes widen. She kisses Bucky on his cheek.]

Sasha: "Buck, you're a genius."

[Bucky slightly blushes.]

Bucky: "Well, never heard that before."

[CUT to Shuri who finds the book later on. CUT to the battle. Bucky is debating whether he should shoot or not. He gets pushed by Shuri, which causes him to pull the trigger. Sasha's eyes widen as the bullet approaches Wanda's back. She catches the bullet. Wanda whips around and looks slightly shocked.]

Bucky: "Sasha!"

Vision: "This is not Wanda, this is... Chaos."

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