:||: Elizabeth Rose Campbell! {My OC} :||:

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Basic Information 

❥ Full name 
✰ Elizabeth Rose Campbell.

❥ Age
✰ 17.

❥ Preferred name
✰ Eliza.

❥ Nickname(s)
✰ Eli, Liza, Beth, Izbeth, annoying, dumbass.

❥ Birthday
✰ September 1st.

❥ Zodiac
✰ Virgo.

❥ Nationality
✰ 20% French,
✰30% American,
✰40% British,
✰10% Japanese.

✰Fluent Korean,
✰Fluent Greek,
✰Somewhat fluent Japanese.

❥ Sexuality
✰ Pansexual.

❥ Romantic Attraction
✰ Panromantic.

((She believes in and worships the greek gods and goddesses..)

❥ Occupation
✰ Student at Wellston Private High School.

❥ Flaw(s)
✰ Reckless. Elizabeth is reckless. She has a disregard for consquences.
✰ Blunt. She can be quite blunt about things, which can get her in bad situations.
✰Perfectionist. She is a perfectionist, and doesn't stop until something is perfect in her eyes.


❥ Overall Look 
✰ She has short necklength snow white hair, which usually has two bows and a hair clip in her hair. She had ocean blue almond shaped eyes and a somewhat pale complexion. She has a beauty mark under her left eye, and has a few freckles on both of her cheeks. The freckles are noticeable and add a bit to her cuteness. 

❥ Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks?:✰ She has a few scars on her back which she makes sure are always covered

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❥ Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks?:
✰ She has a few scars on her back which she makes sure are always covered. She doesn't have any birthmarks, and she doesn't have any tattoos.

❥ Dimples/Freckles?:
✰ She has a few freckles on both of her cheeks, which are noticeable. 

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