Chapter 5: Danger

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The next morning, Gilan and Will set out to the village under the pretense of they were going for a ride on the trail so there was a reason for Halt not to follow them.  Will led Gilan around the village and past the spots where the girl was most commonly seen.  They couldn't find her.  Worry tugged at Will's mind.  He didn't even know the girl, but he was concerned that something had happened to her.  They reached the far side of the village, and when the two were about to admit defeat, Will saw the girl's face inside the very last house.  He inconspicuously motioned to Gilan that she was there and they cantered around to the shadows to watch.  
"Gil, she seems to be looking for us or something.  She had to have seen us ride by," Will assumed.
"I agree.  It seems likely."  

Then suddenly, with no warning, a hand grabbed the mystery girl's arm and jerked her back from the window.  She seemed to be unaware of the person and lost in the search.  Immediately, Will and Gilan sensed danger and rushed to the house.  They silently sneaked through the front door and into the living room, where the girl was sitting on the floor, knees drawn tight, as a man yelled at her.  Her big, brown eyes were filled with terror and fear.  
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE, GIRL?  Trying to rob me?  You don't even live here!  Let's see, what should I do with you," the man said, rambling on.  He seemed to be enjoying terrorizing the girl.  Tears fell down her dirt-stained face.  She shook her head, unable to form words.  The man was big and looked as if he could easily harm the girl.  He stepped forward and that's when Will and Gilan made their move.

As the man curled his fingers into and fist and brought his arm back, Gilan seized his wrist and jerked the man around.  Surprised, he used his other arm to lash out at the man holding him, but Gilan was quick.  Still holding the man's wrist, he ducked under the blow.  Once Gilan had him, Gilan spoke very quietly and darkly.  
"Listen here.  I'm going to let you go.  You must leave the village and fief and I would advise you to go very far away, even out of Araluen, because if I see you again, you will not get off as easy.  Understand?" Gilan said.  The man nodded.
"Yes, sir."
"Then GO!" said Gilan, shoving him out of the door.  

Gilan and Will turned back to the girl, who had her knees drawn tight and her head in her hands, sobbing as she rocked back and forth in fear of what happened.  The two Rangers knelt down beside her and Gilan put an arm around her.
"Shhh, it's okay, he's gone now.  He can't do anything.  You're safe now." Gilan said, gently.  She slowly stopped rocking and looked up at Gilan and Will with big, worried, brown eyes.  Tears plowed a path through her dirty face.  "My name's Gilan and that's Will." said Gilan, introducing the two of them.  "You've probably seen Will around before," he said, smiling at Will. 
"I'm Lyda." she said softly and shyly.
"Nice to meet you Lyda." said Will.
"We're Rangers and we're here to help.  Now, can you explain what happened?" asked Gilan.

Hi again!  I planned on revealing what happened to the mystery girl in the past (aka Lyda) in this chapter, but then it would have been longer than I wanted, so next chapter!  I imagine we are about halfway through the story, (if I planned right, which never happens :)).  Hopefully you are enjoying the story-more to come soon!  :)

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