Niall shakes his head. To be honest, he's never had a boy flirt with him in the first place so this was all different. He wasn't used to this.

" There's no way! A pretty boy like you probably hears that all the time!" Christian exclaims. Niall lets out a little giggle.

" Nope. I don't hear it often." Niall says. He heard a couple people walk up to them. He looks at and sees Harry and his girlfriend.

" Hi Harry." Niall says. Christian gives Harry a weird look, but takes a sip of his drink anyway.

" Hey Ni. Didn't know parties were your thing." Harry says taking sip of what he had in his hand.

" Never really been to one so I wouldn't know." Niall says.

" And you're not drinking?" Harry says.

" He's the DD." Christian says. Harry gives him a dirty look. He looks back at Niall.

" So if need be, you can drive me home later?" Harry asks. His girlfriend stood closer to him. Niall gives her a weird look. Is she really jealous?

" That's if ya can find me when you want to leave." Niall says.

" We already have a DD." Harry's girlfriend says.

" I want to have a back up just in case." Harry says. His girlfriend rolls her eyes.

" Can we go? He's boring me." Harry's girlfriend says. Harry nods his head. He looks at Niall.

" See you later Ni." Harry says. The two walk away. Christian burst out in laughter. Niall looked at him weird.

" What's funny?" Niall asks, confused.

" They were both jealous! Harry was jealous that I was talking to you and Taylor was jealous of you! Man, that shit is hilarious!" Christian says. Niall lets out a chuckle. He enjoyed to see that first, Harry was jealous, and second, his girlfriend was jealous of him.

Niall was having a great night, just because of what happened.

" Hey, you wanna go make out?" Christian asks. Niall smiles at him.

" Of course." Niall says. Christian grabs Niall's hand and drags him upstairs. They just stood in the hallway of the bedrooms, just because the fact that they didn't want to walk in on people having sex.

Christina pulls Niall into him and slams his lips onto Niall's. Niall could taste the alcohol on Christian's lips.

Christian pulls back and looks into Niall's eyes," Damn, your lips taste good."

Before Niall could say anything, Christian slams his lips on his again. Christian bit his lip and he could feel his lips bruising. That was gonna be an interesting conversation with his mum.

" Um, excuse me?"

The two break apart to see Louis standing there. Niall gives him a look of concern.

" What's wrong Lou?" Niall asks.

" I, uh, I wanna go home." Louis says. He looked disappointed. Niall felt bad.

" Yeah, okay." Niall says. He looks at Christian," Bye."

The two friends walk downstairs and out of the house. They walk to Niall's car and both get in. Niall starts the car and starts driving back home.

" Do you just want to sleep over?" Niall asks.

Louis nods his head. Niall looks at him out of the corner of his eye.

" Lou, do you want to talk about it?" Niall asks.

Louis lets out a sigh," It's been a long night. And I just want to say I hate boys."

Niall holds his hand out. Louis slides his hand into Niall's hand. They lace their fingers together.

" I agree. Boys suck. But luckily, you have me by your side, and I don't plan on leaving you." Niall says. Louis smiles.

" I love you Niall."

" I love you too Louis."

Niall drove home and the boys immediately fell asleep. All they wanted to do was sleep away their problems.


Hello!!! I don't really have anything to say!!

I just hope you guys are enjoying the story and having a great life! If you have any feedback or predictions, feel free to comment!

Thank you guys so much for reading. I love you all.


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