Hello my new diary, today I'm so happy having you, you are so beautiful. I hope you're happy too.

"Innocent!" Sameer sighs to her way of talking to her diary.

I kept that old one inside my cupboard and I'm looking forward to tell all my good and bad stuffs to you this year!

Sameer looked at the top of the page which went unnoticed it read Jan 1. He flipped the page and this time he looked first at the date.

Jan 5

Hola! my diary, today I'm so much delighted you know we celebrated new year in our college and guess what treat was given by other than Kamya. She's getting married, wow, I'm so excited for here marriage, lots of works to do tomorrow. Bye goodnight sleep well!

Sameer was unable to resist his smile, it felt so good to him whenever Naina was happy.

Jan 28
Sorry sorry, I know you're angry I came to you after so many days, apologies! But you know na Kamya's marriage, see my Mehndi isn't it looking so good. Listen, I want to tell you a secret, when I'll marry someone. Wait let me blush for a while.

Sameer looked for it's continuation but found a trail of lines blank. He found the next page having some words.

Okay, I took whole 5 minutes I know already. So when I'll marry someone, you'll not find any space on my hand, because it'll be all occupied by my mehndi and..... I'll write my husband's initials on my hand and I'll keep looking at it alllll night. Okay now let me sleep I'm already missing my husband...hehe bye..

By reading this Sameer wondered if he even noticed her hands after she came to his house. He cursed himself of not being so observing towards her. "Never! Stupido!" he sighed.

Jan 30
Today I'm really sad

Sameer straightened her back being more determined.

Kamya, she is gone, she's married and now we'll not meet everyday. We all have to wait to see her once. Not in a condition to talk more, goodnight my dear.

While reading her diary he felt an urge to read about him. He was sure she would've written about him too pr she would not bring this diary there. He flipped 5-6 pages and stopped when he found his photograph with his name written in a calligraphy style. Of course, Naina would've written that. He held his picture in his hand and kept it aside. He started to read.

Feb 20
Dea...hii how are you! A lot of things to tell you today. Remember? I had a speech today, it went very well, everybody were so impressed by my speech. The applauds were unstoppable. I was tired of listening all those appreciations. It was so sweet of all. AND.. When I came back home chachaji told me that .... that Mr. Jayprakash came to our house to marry his grand son..... you know the rest na. First of all I was feeling a bit sad as I'll also be separated from my family, my dear Preeti, and Swati and all of them, not you, I'll never leave you.

Sameer had a trace if smile "poor Naina she forgot you this time." by saying so he realized that he too started addressing that diary as a real person. "Why are you so much influencing Naina" he complained and continued to read.

Okay so when I saw his photograph, my mind changed. Everything changed. He seemed like the one who always came in my dreams. A dream come true. See I'm holding his picture right now thank god Preeti is asleep or I could never get a chance to just look at him and mesmerize myself. Isn't he so cute, his hairs, oh my god!

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