don't go to sleep

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Allison was renovating her house and wanted to knock down a wall but she didnt want to pay for the removal so she decided to use a sledgehammer that her uncle gave her. So she started knocking down the wall and she found a paper box with the words dont go to sleep written on the lid in red childish writting ...she opened the box and found a black heart folded out of paper

She thought that it was really cute so she put it on her bedside table before she went to sleep. That night she had the most horrifically grusom dreams that when she woke up she was acctually screaming and she was afraid of everything .she then looked at the heart and it had the words dont go to sleep written all over it in red.

She became so scared of those dreams that she tried not to sleep but after 3 days she fell asleep and had those dreams again.

And again she woke up screaming and when she looked in the mirror and the words dont go to sleep were carved into her skin all over her body. That when she decided that she would have to destroy the heart.

First she tried cutting it up but it didnt work it felt like the heart was made out of meatle even though it was only paper than she tried burning it but it stayed the same then she tried to bury it far far away and that seemed to work for a few nights but on the fith night she saw the dreams again more realisticly then ever and when she woke up she saw that every thing she owned was covered in the words dont go to sleep.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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