deep talks

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           Signas pov

He scoffed and i looked at him confused.

Like you would know how i feel he said and i looked at him before saying you realize you dont know alot about me.

What he gave me a questioning look

How would you know if i dont know how you feel you dont know about my past relationships.

Yea whatever miss perfect he replied and i laughed.

Whats so funny he asked.

Fine you wanna know whats funny i dont trust anyone anymore, everyones lost my trust. My mom pasted and my dad has recently moved on, i got cheated on in my first relationship and went into a state of depression that took me so long to get out of, and when i did i found someone who made me so happy, i thought he was perfect but he wasnt. You know what he was the opposite our relationship was amazing the first three months until he started getting mad over the little things and calling me names. One thing led another and it was emotionally abusive but it didnt end there i was head over heels for him so i stayed, he realized i loved him so much i would stay no matter what, so he took it farther didnt let me lave his house for days, no contact with friends, lost all my friends other than my two supposive bestfriends. Told the school lies about me cheating and then cheated when i caught him after so many times i threatened to leave him but he hurt me physically. I still didnt care because i loved him and stayed. It was eventually happening all the time but i put on fake smiles for everyone. I was happy sometimes and others not one day he was hurting me at my house and my dad walked in and forced me to break up with him . We moved to utah to start over my 2 besties even moved into there own apartments in utah so they could be with me and recently you all commented on my post, that caused my bestfriends to question me so i just said it was nothing until they pried the answers out of me. They tried getting me to add them and i refused so i told that i was done with them, they thought i left the groupchat so they started saying that she should have waited to drop me until after they got fame and closer to you. i said

By this time he was silent and just staring at me.

So please dont act like you know me i said now crying. Finally he spoke up.

Im so sorry for judging you i was just upset and taking it out on  you. he said

Ok by all means dont pity me please i asked him and he laughed and nodded. i checked the time and saw no text which means mads is probably still there.

Hey seriously tho do you want to talk about it i asked and he shrugged his shoulders, he looked exsausted.

Come on lay your head on my lap your exsausted i said and he just did as i said. I started playing with his hair and he randomly said why wasnt i enough.

You were enough but maybe it was the wrong person maybe you werent meant to be or maybe she was just being selfish and i know its hard to hear but its on here she lost an amazing boy. i said

He nodded and i could tell he was thinking but i didnt interupt because i like my thinking time. He evntually fell asleep when i got a text from addy saying they both left.

             Addy the baddy

ADDY:Hey girl we finally got them to leave how is he

Signa: hes hurt but he fell asleep i will wake him soon and we will walk back but i have to leave for my flight home in a few hours so i cant stay here for too long.

Addy: aww do you have to leave

Signa: i dont want to but i have to i will be back sooner than you know it beside my dad said when i got home we needed to talk and it sounded important

Addy: okay bae see you soon

Its been about an hour and i still had to get ready for the airport and change so i decided i would wake him. Jaden jaden wakeup i have to leave soon. i said and heard a groan.

Do you have to he asked and i nodded

Please stay he said i want to but i cant my dad said he wanted to talk when i got home ill be back sooner than you expect.

He pouted slightly but i said come on i have to get packed. We walked about ten minutes then arrived i checked to see if mads car was gone and it was. When we walked in all the boys and girls rushed over but jaden just passed them and went up to his room but i stopped him. Jaden you shouldnt go in the come sleep in the guest room you know the last people who were in there he just sadly nodded and i told him i would be back. I walked down stairs and told them he was just upset and apoligized. They all said it was fine and i went upstairs and got jaden a pair of sweats and a tshirt to change into so he didnt have to go into there.

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