"Leave him alone!!!" yelled Sam.

"So pathetic," said Zeke, circling Colby. "You used to have so much fight in you, what happened?"

Zeke then looked behind him at Sam, he smirked as he shot his gaze back to Colby. "I know exactly what happened," said Zeke.

Colby struggled to lift his head, when he did, his eyes met Sams. He then saw Zeke reach into his pocket and bring out a pocket knife, he flicked it open and walked over to Sam.

"Zeke, leave him out of this!!" begged Colby, as Zeke approached his best friend.

The two gang members pulled Sam's hair back so that his neck was exposed and Zeke swiftly put the knife to Sam's throat.

"Don't you dare!!!" said Colby through clenched teeth and blood.

"I'm doing you a favor," said Zeke smirking. "He's holding you back." Sam tried to flinch away, but the gang members were too strong. "It was nice to meet you Sammy."

"I'll come back!!" shouted Colby.

Zeke froze, still holding his knife to Sams throat, he turned his gaze back to Colby. "What did you say?" asked Zeke.

"Let Sam go and I'll come back," said Colby.

"Colby no!" shouted Sam.

"Shut it blondie," said Zeke. He looked at Colby once again. "How do I know you're not lying?"

"Do I look like I have a choice?" asked Colby.

Zeke lowered the knife from Sams neck. He looked Sam in the eyes. "My guys are gonna let you go," started Zeke. "You grab your stuff and leave, before I change my mind."

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm gonna leave him," replied Sam.

"Sam please, you need to go," said Colby weakly.

"Colby I-," replied Sam.

"Sam now!!!" shouted Colby. "Get out of here, please!!!"

Zeke signaled to his guys who released their hold on Sam. Sam looked at Colby with sad eyes, neither of them said a word, but Sam could see the pleading look in Colby's eyes. Sam quickly grabbed the backpack and raced to the exit as the gang members and Colby watched him. He stopped and looked back to Colby, who gave him a final nod, he nodded back and stepped out of the door. Colby let out a sigh of relief as Sams form disappeared down the path they took to get to the warehouse.

"Well that was intense," replied Zeke. He walked over to Colby and extended his hand to help Colby up and Colby accepted. He jerked Colby forward, so that their faces were only mere inches from each other.

"You'd better be serious about this," said Zeke threateningly, "cause if you try anything, I'll find him, and you'll watch as he dies slowly and painfully."

Zeke let go of Colby's hand as the rest of the gang began to follow him. Colby followed slowly behind them.

It seemed like they were walking forever when they finally came up to the gang's old hideout. Colby remembers it from his time in the gang. It was a big empty building, it was also abandoned, Colby has always assumed it was some kind of base considering it had several sleeping chambers and other rooms.

One of the gang members showed Colby to his sleeping quarters, it was the same one he used to stay in, it hadn't changed, it was almost like they were expecting him to be back and kept it for him.

"Zeke will have a job for you soon," replied the gang member. The gang member walked away, leaving Colby by himself. Colby slowly layed down on the bed, wincing as he did so. He soon drifted off to sleep, but the peace didn't last long as he was woken up by what sounded like metal clanging on metal.

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