Endless Regret

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TW: Features scenes of a tornadoes, may be sensitive to anyone who has experienced something like this. Please read this only if you feel comfortable. <3.

Sam and Colby were glad to be back in Kansas, they were always happy to see their family, and due to their Youtube fame, they were very well known in their hometown. It was the place they had always explored, even before they were social media famous.

They had been out exploring for the past hour, an abandoned place not far from their houses, and in true Sam and Colby nature, they had gotten caught. I suppose you could say that they were lucky that the cop knew who they were and what they did and decided to let them off with a warning. They returned to their car and Sam was fuming.

"I told you Colby," said Sam angrily. "I told you we would get caught if we stayed any longer, but you were insistent on staying."

"It was five minutes Sam," retorted Colby. "We got let off with a warning, it's not a big deal."

"Hey, maybe you wanna go back to jail, but I don't" said Sam.

"You're such a buzzkill," said Colby, shaking his head and starting the car.

"I'm not a buzzkill, I'm just trying to be careful," said Sam.

"Careful explorers aren't good explorers," said Colby.

"That's a little harsh," said Sam.

"You have to take this seriously Sam," said Colby.

"I do take this seriously," replied Sam. "You're the one who doesn't take it seriously, you're always insistent on getting us caught."

"So us always getting caught is my fault?" asked Colby annoyed.

"Ok yea," said Sam. "Every time we get caught, it's always because of you."

"Maybe I'm just the better explorer," said Colby mockingly.

"A good explorer wouldn't get caught," mumbled Sam under his breath.

"You know what dude?" started Colby. "If you're not happy exploring with me, maybe you should find a different exploration partner."

"Yea, maybe I should," replied Sam.

Colby pulled over and stopped his car. "Get out," replied Colby.

"Dude?" said Sam in disbelief.

"You're clearly the better explorer, so you can walk, find your way home," said Colby sarcastically. "It's not that far."

"You know what, screw you dude," said Sam stepping out of Colby's car and slamming the door.

Colby rolled his window down. "Yea, screw you too dude," replied Colby angrily as Sam walked away. "I hate you!" 

Sam stopped in his tracks and looked behind him at Colby with sad eyes. Colby drove up next to Sam.  "Good luck finding a different partner asshole!!" screamed Sam.

Colby then drove away, and Sam saw as Colby flipped him off through the window. Sam pulled his hood up as the wind began to pick up, he walked fast with his hands in his pockets.

Colby arrived home a few minutes later, laughing to himself thinking about Sam walking home, obviously Colby wouldn't have let him walk from a place that was far from his house, but it wasn't exactly close either. He walked into his house and he immediately noticed the change in weather. It was weird considering it had been sunny the entire day, he saw the clouds growing dark and then the rain started, they were in for a bad storm. Colby looked out his window, thinking about Sam, hoping he was almost home, maybe he shouldn't have left him. Then Colby's heart dropped as the sirens started. The sirens that they were all too familiar with growing up in Kansas. A twister was on its way.

Colby ran downstairs to his parents, his brother and his dogs all scrambling. His parents were gathering essentials and rushing them to their basement, which was where they had hidden so many times during the worst twisters of Colby's childhood.

He threw open his front door and sheltered his eyes as the wind nearly knocked him off of his feet. He could hear the sirens, stretching for miles across town and saw as the dark clouds began forming. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Sam's number, he heard it ringing, and looked in his car, his heart dropped realizing that Sam had left it on the passenger seat. Colby quickly opened the front door of his car and went to start it when his brother Gage came out and stopped him.

"Colby we got to get inside now!!" Gage shouted.

"I got to get to Sam's," replied Colby. "I need to make sure he's okay."

"Colby, I'm sorry there's no time," said Gage, pulling Colby from the car as the rain came down like pellets.

Colby quickly grabbed Sam's phone and then they rushed inside as their power was knocked out. Their parents hurried them down to the basement. It was structured well, they had made sure when they moved in, especially living in Kansas. They felt their house shake and they could hear things flying around on the top floor of their house. They had had many tornadoes before in Kansas, but rarely anything as bad as this one.

Colby sat in the corner, the whole time, tears in his eyes. He thought about how he had left Sam, and how the last thing he said to him was that he hated him. He didn't actually hate him, he was just angry, and now he would never get to tell Sam how sorry he was.

All Colby could do was pray that Sam had made it home on time, or had made it somewhere safe. The thought of him out there, on his own, possibly injured and helpless filled Colby with endless regret. Colby hid his face in his hands. His mother sat beside him and wrapped Colby in her arms, as he sobbed into her shoulders.

It had taken 2 agonizing hours for the tornado to pass. Colby had just sat there in silence, looking through the photos of him and Sam on the phone that was still clutched tight in Colby's hand. He looked closely at the photo of them that they had taken only hours ago, the same one they had decided to use for their thumbnail, before they had gotten caught. Before everything.

When the tornado ended, Colby and his family carefully made their way back upstairs. Their house had not been destroyed, some of the items inside their house had been thrown about and shattered from the shaking, but their house was still standing and they were thankful for that.

Colby ran outside and the car that he had been driving was destroyed on one side, the windows were blown out and it had a huge dent. He looked at the houses around him and saw that his neighbours had gotten it a lot worse. Without hesitation, Colby began sprinting down the street, past the debris, past the firefighters and police, straight to his best friend's house.

When he arrived, he saw a massive chunk taken out of the side of Sam's house, it was definitely going to take some repairs. He looked around and saw telephone poles and trees had fallen down, scattering across the streets, he saw abandoned cars, it was almost post-apocalyptic.

He raced up the steps of the Golbach home and rapped on the door. Mrs. Golbach answered the door teary eyed. Colby watched as the tears streamed down her face and he brought her into a massive hug.

"Mrs. Golbach, I'm so sorry," replied Colby crying. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"What are you talking about sweetheart?" asked Mrs. Golbach.

Colby stepped back from the hug and looked at her confused and watched as Sam came down from the stairs behind her. Colby thought his knees would give out right there. Sam locked eyes with him. He rushed passed Sam's mom and wrapped the blond tightly in his arms. The blond returned the gesture.

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time.

"Colby I shouldn't have yelled at you like that," said Sam. "I would never want to do this with anyone else."

"Me neither," said Colby. "I'm so sorry I left you, I don't hate you, I could never hate you."

"It's okay," replied Sam. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay too," replied Colby. "I would've never forgiven myself if anything had happened to you."

"Well I forgive you," said Sam.

"Thank you," said Colby teary eyed. He hugged his friend once more. He stayed behind to help the Golbach's clean up, before returning to his home. He was thankful they were all safe and unharmed. This had truly been one of the scariest moments of Colby's life.

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