Chapter One

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June Meyer was a 23 year old girl that lived alone she couldn't take care of what she knew was a demonic child she wrapped the about 10 pound baby up and walked up to the dock she sighed and placed the child in a casket unknown where it would go she watched her own child leave on its own until it got out of sight yes she felt terrible about herself but she was too weak to take care of a demonic child like him the only remembrance he had of his mother was a necklace that said Upier on it meaning Vampire he was a vampire what she thought but no Upier was not a vampire he was worse it took a long time for the child to go to the island all alone by nighttime he went the whole day he went without food or water it was amazing how he survived a tourist by the name Daniel sat on the dock taking a break when he saw the child came he never saw anything like it Daniel had no idea what to do he picked the child up and placed him on the dock and stared at the child sleeping he had no other idea but to just call 911 "911 what's your emergency" Daniel looked around where he was "Hi there was a baby that came in a casket across the ocean" The phone was staticy "Ok sir can you please tell us where you are" He looked around even faster noticing his surroundings "I'm by the docks I'm a tourist for the Disney Crusie ships" The phone got even more staticy "Ok sir we are on our way" Daniel hung up "What's going on" Hans said jogging to his friend "There's a fucking newborn" Hans gasped as he looked down at the sleeping child "Did the parents leave him?" Daniel lifted his hands and shaked his head violently he didn't know what the fuck was going on Hans went to go pick up the baby "Sir let go of the child" Hans gently placed him down and backed up and they went to go on the ship "Sir where did you find him" Daniel pointed across the sea where no island was in sight "Alright take him to the hospital" Daniel jogged back to the ship everyone was cleaning up as most of the families and travelers were asleep Yuri-Chan was cleaning up her work for today at the front desk "Goodnight Daniel I'm going back to my room" He nodded and waved as he went to the elevator it looked dark as what they call mouse keeping were cleaning up for Tomorrow's trip to Jamaica all Daniel could think was how strange it was a little baby carried his way to Cozumel Was the mother too poor to take care of the child or did his father just hate him in general it's not like a newborn would have the mind to run away like a stubborn 13 year old that would come back the next second Daniel sighed as he quietly tip toed to his room and brushed his teeth and got in his pajamas for the next day Daniel woke up to the alarm going off in his room "The ship is leaving at 10 Am sharp for Kingston,Jamaica" He grunted as he got out of bed and it was 6:30 Am on the clock he needed to quickly get changed in his uniform and go to Cabanas "Good-morning Daniel" Yuri-Chan greeted him on the elevator he nodded she was the nicest Co-Worker he could possibly work for he Doesn't have a lot of loved ones since he basically lives on the cruise ship for now a family with two daughters and parents were the only family in Cabanas for now "Good Morning" He said to the family the father nodded as the little girl danced on her chair eating and the same time looking out the window Daniel nodded he loved children speaking about children he didn't know what happened to that little boy but his job is the most important thing to him his main priory are the Traveler's "Daniel,Daniel" His Co-Worker dressed in a different uniform stood behind him "Can you reload on the Bacon the children are eating it like crazy" Daniel chuckled and nodded at the same time as he went in the Kitchen "Ramsey I need more bacon in the front" He sulouted Jokely and unpacked the frozen bacon "Hey Daniel what's up Ramsey" Hans forcely opened the doors in the kitchen "Good Morning" Daniel catched the doors behind him and went to see if there was anymore work to do "Excuse me" Daniel idmetitly turned around "Do you know what time the ship leaves for Kingston" Daniel ansewerd idemetily "10 Am" The woman nodded and walked to her family he walked out of Cabanas to the deck and saw Juliana sweeping "Excuse me Daniel" He turned around and smiled "Can you refill the drink station" He smiled and titled his head "Of course" she said thank you as he walked away to the back of the ship he saw a cop car and idemetily thought about what they were possibly doing about the child two cops were talking on the dock he got all nervous and just put the Ice Tea and Coke on the cart and wheeled it to the fountain were a father was waiting to fill his coffee and Daniel forgot about the coffee "I'm sorry I forgot to grab coffee let me go get it" He was about to walk away when the father hesitated "No it's fine I'll just go get it somewhere else" He smiled "Are y-" What is wrong with me why am I so concerned over some child who that the police will just handle "You okay Daniel" One of his Co-Workers walked past him it was Mordecai

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