chapter 13

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I didn't proofread this hehe😈

3rd person POV

"Alex..." Mariano paused. He felt anger build up in him and wanted to get it out. He was having a 'moment'.

Mariano's moments can be triggered by anything, fear, sadness, jealousy. And that's everything he was feeling right now. Fear of losing his best friend if he told the truth, jealousy of Mattia because he knew Alex still liked him. But most of all Mariano was sad, heartbroken actually. Heartbroken because he knew he wasn't good enough for Alex. He felt as if he couldn't give her what she needed or what she wanted. So he got angry and was gonna take it out of poor Alex.

"You know what Alex? It was a lie, I'm not in love with you, in fact, I don't even like being your friend! Everything is a challenge when it comes to you. You're always sad, or moody and it's fucking annoying! You make my life hell and I wish we never met!" Mariano screamed in her face.

Alex didn't know what to do or say. She just stared up at Mar hoping he was joking. But no, he stormed right past her and out the front door. The girl started to cry and hyperventilate. She felt physically sick knowing she just lost her best friend. The last person she had that was like family.

"Julian." Alex softly said as she stumbled into the living room.

"What happened? Why is he so mad?" Julian asked as he brought Alex to the couch.

"Hehe said he doesn't want to be my f... Friend anymore. I can't lose him J!" Alex let out a loud cry and pulled her legs up to her chest.

"Hey you won't okay, he's just having a moment," Julian said and pulled the girl into his chest.

"I promise you he will be back later and will apologize," Logan said and sat on the other side of Alex.

Alex didn't realize that while she was getting yelled at Alejandro and Kairi left. Yet again Mattia stayed to make sure she was ok. Of course, the other 2 care about her but their parents needed them back. Mattia didn't care how much the boys hated him, he was gonna be here for Alex.

"How about Frank takes you upstairs and you guys lay down for a bit while I call Mar?" Alex nodded at Danny and took Frank's hand, walking upstairs.

Alex woke up and felt numb. She laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling and started to cry.

"Hey hey hey don't cry." Alex heard a faint voice and soon saw Mattia standing next to the bed looking down at her. He crawled over her and sat next to her.

"Come on sit up, let's talk." Mattia pulled her up so they sat facing each other.

"You know how long you slept for?" Mattia asked with a little smile. Alex shook her head.

"Well, Frank said you feel asleep around 2:30 pm yesterday.-" Alex cut him off.

"Yesterday?" Alex signed making Mattia frown.

"Why are you signing again?" Mattia asked sternly.

"I just am." Alex signed and crossed her arms.

"Alex, talk to me." Alex shook her head.

"Come on babe."

"Where's Mar?"

"He's not here. He told Danny that he's gonna stay away for a bit, so he can cool down then talk to you. But he did mean what he said." Alex stared at Mattia for a bit then went looking for her phone. She found it and realized it was 3 am.

She was shocked she slept that long. And more shocked that Mattia was still up.

She felt hands on her hips and Mattia's head on her shoulder.

"Baby come lay down with me." Alex shook her head and tried to pull away from him but he pulled her back.

"Please." He begged then slowly began to kiss her neck. Mattia just wanted Alex to forget about things with Mar. So if that meant making her angry at Mattia then so be it. He rather her be mad at him than crying.

"What are you trying to do to my head?" Alex signed once she finally got away from him.

"Nothing, I just want to be with you again. And I know you still like me."

"Mattia, I do still like you but you hurt me, bad. And this whole thing with Mariano maybe being in love with me is confusing. I would give you another chance if you prove to me that your better but I don't want to hurt Mar." Alex signed slowly to Mattia.

"I get it and I am better but think about this. Say Mar does want to be with you and you guys get together, what will happen if he says something like he did yesterday and you leave him? Not only do you lose your boyfriend but you lost your best friend. Do you really want to risk that? And I'm not just telling you this so you'll pick me, I'm telling you this because I hate seeing you hurt." Alex never thought of it that way. He's right.

"So why don't you let me distract you for a bit and we can talk more in the afternoon," Mattia said as he ran his hands up and down her arms. Alex raised an eyebrow which made Mattia smirk. Her mind wandered in what they might do.

"So funny or scary movie?" Mattia asked as he sat down on her bed and turned her tv on. Alex turned a dark shade of red as she thought he meant sex and sat next to him.

"I didn't mean sex you loser," Mattia smirked. "But I mean if you want to..." Mattia laughed as Alex slapped his arm. His plan was already working.

He wrapped his arm around Alex's shoulders once they were both under the covers and Alex cuddled up to his side.

"I love you," Mattia whispered. Alex adjusted herself so she was looking up at him just as he went to kiss her head, making their lips touch.

Instead of pulling away, Alex placed her hand on Mattia's soft cheek and pulled him closer.

Alex knew she loved Mattia the way Mar loved her but she felt something deep down for Mar. It was always there she just didn't know what it was. Whenever Mar would bring a girl around Alex would get jealous but she didn't know it at the time, she just thought no one was right for her best friend. Alex loved Mattia more (in a romantic way) but felt awful for Mariano.


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