I try to shake the fog of it from my mind but the scent is pulling at my wolf and she seems more then ready to answer. I take a step back and stumble a little my feet getting caught up in the blanket, “I—I—I—“ I couldn’t find any words and he jumped on that with confidence, “You what? You don’t know do you?” He takes in a deep breath closing his eyes and then opening them the blue glowing, “I don’t smell anyone else on you little mate. You’ve never been touch have you?” I feel embarrassment make all of my skin flush a light pink. 

“Excuse me? Who do you think you are? I’m still a girl—You can’t just—“ He reaches out and grabs onto my blanket and pulls it so stumble forward towards him. His eyes look into mine, “You’re my mate. That means you and your body are mine. Now has anyone ever touched you before?” His voice is deep and commanding. It forces me to obey him. I stare up at him, clenching my jaw tightly and shaking my head slightly. He reaches out with his other free hand and gently grabs onto my chin, “I can’t hear you—“ he says softer this time. 

“No. Okay?” I say with a defiant attitude which makes me smirk again. His thumb gently caresses underneath my lip, “That pleases me mate.” He practically purrs at me. I try hard not to be happy by the fact that I’ve made him happy because right now I kind of want to punch him in the face but my wolf just doesn’t understand that. I roll my eyes and pull my face back, “Well I didn’t do it to please you believe me!” I sulk. He chuckles and pulls back a bit, “It pleases me none the less.” I resist the urge to flip him off. 

“Well I’ll have to go out and fix that immediately!” I say firmly, “I’m sure I could find someone who is willing.”  He growls at my words and I feel a rush run through me and I lift my chin proudly, “Go ahead and growl it won’t change a thing. You won’t control me so easily.” His eyes narrow and the start glowing again, “Elena—“ He warns me. 

“What? What are you going to do to stop me?” I say at him poking him in his bare chest which tenses under my brief touch. He is staring down at me darkly, “You really don’t want to push me Elena—“ He warns me again. I can’t stop myself because the danger of it is giving me some kind of rush or maybe it’s not me and it’s my wolf challenging her mate either way I can’t stop myself. I step even closer to him, “I haven’t even pushed you yet buddy. Believe me.” I whisper up at him in a strangely seductive voice. His body seems to be trembling slightly with my nearness. I smile mischievously at him and then I shove him hard away from me. He stumbles back a bit surprised by my actions and as he tries to catch himself  he loses his balance and falls right on his butt with a thud.

A tiny giggle comes out of me and then it turns into a full blown laugh as I look down at him. He doesn’t seem at all please by the situation. I take a step closer to him bending forward a bit, “I have to say I quite like this view of you sweetheart.” I say the last bit with sarcasm. His eyes narrow as he looks up at me and then a humorless smirk spreads across his lips. I go to take a step back but he reaches up quickly and yanks on the blanket. It rips free from my hold and I’m standing there in my underwear. I scream and make a mad dash for the bed where I can cover myself with the sheet. He is up off the ground and after me. 

He kicks out at my ankles and trips me up. I let out another scream as I fall face first into the mattress of the bed. I try to pull myself up quickly but Mikhail is on top of me pinning me down like he had in the house the other day. I growl in frustration, “Get off me you caveman!” His bare chest is pressed up against my mostly bare skin of my back and is send strange feelings through me that I’ve never felt before. He presses his face in the crook of my neck near my ear. His hot breath causing my skin to become covered in gooseflesh, “I believe that I was a werewolf the last time I checked.” He whispers, “Now my little mate what am I going to do with you?” His voice is husky and I can feel something pressing into me through his jeans. 

My face grows hot, “You’re—Um—You’re thing is—“ I can’t get myself to say it but he seems to understand because he rocks himself into me slightly. I feel myself let out a weird noise from the back of my through that sounds a bit like a whimper but I’ve never made a noise like that before and I feel embarrassed by it. 

“I can’t let what happened yesterday to happen again. I’m becoming a liability and I can’t allow that to happen.” He says in a husky voice as he strokes my hair. 

“What are you talking about?” I ask in confusion. He gently moves my hair away from my neck exposing the flesh there, “Every time someone looks at you for too long. Touches you for too long…I want to kill them. I’m losing my mind over you and I can’t allow that.” I tense up at his words afraid that it means he’s going to hurt me, “I thought you said you couldn’t kill me?” My voice is soft and it trembles. He leans forward on me and presses his lips to the exposed skin. The gesture send sparks of electricity through me. 

“I am not going to kill you Elena—“ He says in a tense voice. I try to move out from under him but he pushes me down to hold me in place. I feel something scrape across my sensitive flesh at the crook of my neck and I bite my lip to keep back another whimper, “What are you going to do to me then?” My voice sounds huskier then I mean it to. There is a silence before he answers, “I’m going to mark you Elena.” His teeth sink into my flesh and I let out a loud moan like scream. I feel my wolf rush to the surface and I know my eyes have turned silver. Heat is rushing through me and my body is arching upwards into him on it’s own accord. I feel my own canines lengthen and the urge to bite him is overwhelming but in the current position there is no way for me to do that. 

Before I know it the heat is gone and so is the weight on my body. I am breathing heavily as I lift my hand to touch the newly formed mark on my perfect skin. I am in a complete daze as I hear the sound of a door slamming shut behind me. I quickly roll over to see that Mikhail had marked me and then ran away leaving me to come to terms with our new situation on my own. I fell back onto the bed holding my neck, “What the hell just happened?!”

The Hunted { old version }Where stories live. Discover now