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The brown bag was pulled off my head rather roughly causing my black curls to coil in all different directions. As my eyes adjusted to the light of the room; I took in my surroundings. A gray table with two men seated at them, both wearing black t-shirts and black military style pants. The one with black hair had his face pulled into a scowl as he picked his nail with his knife, and the other got up to stand in front of the table as he leaned back against it he crossed his arms. The light from the ceiling fan made his hazel eyes stand out and he had jet black hair.

I didn't recognize them or the man in a 2 piece suit standing in front of me inching closer to my face as he looked deep into my dark brown eyes.

His statement stunned me, "You're prettier than I thought" he looked back to the two men raising his eyebrows "Don't you think Finch?" Finch the man with the brown hair and tattoo flared his nose as annoyance crossed his face "sure boss, but can we please get to it".

I looked down to my appearance, my short blush pink dress was all wrinkled, my right knee scraped, and my heels were no longer on my feet. I shrugged thinking I guess I don't look too bad considering the situation.

The boss turned right back to me responding to Finch "Of course, no need to waste time, how are the restraints, hun?" I looked down just now noticing the zip ties digging through my wrist. My heart began to race as I struggled through them "a bit tight since you are asking" I responded through my gritted teeth.

The boss had a menacing smile " Good! We wouldn't want you falling out the chair after this." 

''After wh---" Before I could finish my sentence the right side of my face was stinging from the backhanded slap.

After recovering from my initial shock, I looked at the boss re-adjusting his ring while the corner of Finch's mouth slightly raised into a small smile. All I could think right now was this was going to be a problem.

I clenched my fist to stop myself from saying anything stupid because at this point I needed to stay calm and buy as much time as possible.

I looked at the boss, " What the Hell was that for?!"

Finch growled " Hit her again boss".

I looked at the boss "WAI--." This time it was the left side of my face and harder I could feel that this time his ring slightly cut through my skin. The boss looked at the guy with black hair and gave him a stiff nod, he looked completely unfazed with the scene in front of him as if this was an everyday occurrence. He got up and stuck the knife through the table and left through a door that was behind me and out of my sight.

The boss turned to me "Anyway Alicia, we should get started until Kingston gets back."

He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves "How do you know my name? Who are you guys?" I pouted my lips and quivered.

"Don't even try... innocence doesn't suit you". Well I guess the role of being a scared innocent girl was out of the question.

I leaned back into my chair, and blew at the stranded curl that landed in front of my face. Finch gave the boss a duffle bag. The boss turned his back to me and opened the duffle bag as he laid the contents out on the table

"So Alicia what were you doing at The Ritz? Oh and WHERE IS THE FILE!!!" My face flinched at the sudden roar in his voice. He turned around and his fists were encased with brass knuckles. 

I honestly didn't know how to respond. There was absolutely nothing I could say that would delay the beating that was coming for me. It was clearly evident as his jaw ticked and he creeped closer to me. All I could do at the moment was brace myself for the coming pain.

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