On the way back to the car, Rey asked when Ben was going to head back into the city.

'Just as soon as I drop you at the house,' he answered.

Rey nodded. She didn't want him to go but she couldn't tell him that without an explanation so she kept her mouth shut. Just as they reached the car, Maz came walking towards them with a huge smile on her face. Rey smiled back. She loved Maz.

'Hello, love birds!' Maz cooed.

Ben sighed and Rey jabbed him in the ribs.

'Hi Maz!' she said cheerfully. Her eyes focused on the pie Maz was carrying.

'Hello Rey, and it's good to see you, Ben,' Maz said with a smile.

'Hi Maz,' Ben replied.

'Is that for us?' Rey asked, looking down at the pie in Maz's hands.

'Yes, my dear, freshly baked.'

She handed the baked goods to Rey. Rey held it up to her nose. It smelt delicious.

'Maz, it smells so good, you really do spoil me.'

'Have to keep your strength up don't we?' Maz said with a wink.

Rey laughed nervously.

'Yes we do, well thank you we better be going.'

'Hold on,' Ben drawled.

Shit .

'Why does she need to keep her strength up?' he asked.

'Oh dear, is it a secret?' Maz whispered.

'Apparently, because I don't know what you're talking about,' Ben replied.

'Don't be mad Ben, it wasn't Rey's fault, I kept peppering her with questions and eventually she just let it slip out,' Maz explained.

'Let what slip out?' Ben asked.

Rey winced.

'That you two were trying for a baby,' Maz said softly. 'Don't worry I haven't told anyone.'

Ben didn't say anything but he didn't look very happy.

Maz looked up at his face with concern.

'Have I spoken out of turn?' she asked.

Rey laughed awkwardly.

'No, no. Ben's just been feeling a little under the weather today, haven't you darling?'

Ben nodded.

'Yes and I suddenly have a splitting headache,' he muttered.

'Well we have to be going,' she said to Maz, pushing Ben towards the car.

Maz waved cheerfully as they pulled away.

'So it's gone beyond a fake marriage now, we're also trying for a fake family?' Ben said as he headed back to the house.

'She wouldn't stop asking so I just said we were trying, it's no big deal.'

'No big deal? Rey, What was the next step you walking around town with a pillow up your shirt?'

'Of course not! It can take years to get pregnant. Relax.'

'I wish I could relax, but every time I let myself feel comfortable around you more lies come out.'

He had started to feel comfortable with her? Damn. Now she felt bad.

'I'm sorry, Ben. I'm sorry I did this to you. Hopefully I can help you get this partnership and then I'll be gone for good and everything will go back to normal for you.'

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