Chapter - 6: Temporary Substitute

Start from the beginning

The smile on his face dissipates into a solemn frown.

"I do have one regret that deeply wounds me to this day." 

"Hmm?" The lunar rabbit quietly hummed, hearing his dejected tone coming out of the blue. 

"I thought I changed from my old wicked ways, reformed to a better person in my time on Earth. But in the end, I suppose you can't teach an old dog a new trick because I left the woman I loved heartbroken because of that same selfishness." 

Once again, Reisen was flabbergasted. Honestly, this was much more information than she bargained for when she asked those questions. She was at this very awkward and uncomfortable spot with an almost complete stranger. Some people say it's easier to say some stuff to strangers but what about the stranger that is digesting all of this information? What were they supposed to do?

The wind grazed through them, leaving an empty silence between the two of them. The Lunarian quickly wore a smile.

"Ah, but that's enough of my sappy life story. Eirin's going to chop my head off if I don't do my job so we should hurry, right?" He redirected the subject, now more upbeat than he previously was.

"O-oh! Um, right!" 

They swiftly rushed off and prepare the clinic to open up once again to the seldom patients that come. While doing so, Reisen couldn't help but wonder who this woman was. She was unsure if she should ask since it seemed like a sensitive topic. Maybe she can just ask her Master about it...


Mokou had finish guiding patient after patient through the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, the sun was now on the verge of merging with the horizon, dousing the sky and surroundings into a fading orange. It was just another day of being the unofficial guide for the maze-like forest.

Or, it would've been if it weren't for some of the patients' comments about the new doctor. 

As any person would, she was curious and even stranger, this man that replaced Eirin never gave his name other than to call him "(Dokutah) Doctor".  She was compelled to see who it was but she had to escort the patients back

So, now here she was, standing in front of Eientei and on her way to the clinic. Her hands were slid inside her red hakama, her footsteps at an average pace. The walk was short so in just a couple of seconds, she was already at Eirin's, or rather, this suspicious doctor's office. 

Just before she could place her hand on the sliding door, she heard a loud crash coming from her left. Agitated, she turns her attention to where it came from and was about to turn the corner when another figure came flying out of the inside halls of the mansion followed by a stream of danmaku. 

"Get back here!!" Reisen shouted, appearing soon after while firing red danmaku bullets from her fingers. The one being chased deflected some of the pellets with a kine, a heavy wooden hammer used to pound mochigome into chewy mochi.

"Seriously, Reisen? Are you really that prudish that you can't take a sex joke?" Tewi retorted, twirling the pestle with her hands after the storm of bullet hell she evaded. The lunar rabbit didn't talk back but only fired more danmaku at the opposing youkai as they took flight. 

Mokou was left confused from what she had just saw but shrugged it off regardless. Not her circus, not her monkeys. 

She turned around and was about to resume what she was about to do, someone else turned around the corner on the opposite side of the hallway.

"You!" Kaguya dramatically pointed her finger towards Mokou. "Did you come to take revenge because I ate your food?!" 

"Not today, princess." She passively replied. "Still angry about it but not today. Just let me see who this substitute guy is and I'll leave." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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