Chapter - 2: Half-Monster Half-Friend

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Morning blesses Gensokyo with its light, the moon setting and resting within the horizon as the denizens of the land rise from their slumber. One of these people was Keine Kamishirasawa, sliding her window open as she took in the fresh air within the human village.

She took her time doing her usual morning routines. It was Sunday, the universal holiday so there's no need for her to teach the students in her school. And as per usual at the end of the week, she needs to restock her own house. 

Stepping outside of her house, hearing the familiar bustling of the villagers preparing for another day, she sets off within the feudal-styled town. She was very well-known as obvious as it may seem as she is not entirely human. Only half. 

But unlike how they would feel about some youkai walking in their village in daylight -which was fairly uncomfortable unless they have a good reason to-, the humans are just fine with a were-hakutaku like her walking amongst them in their village.

Perhaps it was because she's been living with them for a long time that they've gotten used to her presence, perhaps it was because she acts as a guardian for the village itself. Perhaps it was just both. 

It helps that she looks human most of the time, only changing into a hakutaku when the full moon is out and about. Such is her fortune even though she was cursed to be like this, lucky to not be ostracized. 

Passing by the children who were laughing and playing, circling around her for a moment before running off to somewhere else. She only shook her head and smiled.

"Children. They're quite a handful, aren't they, Miss Hakutaku?" Keine heard a male's voice commented behind her back. She turns around, seeing a handsome bespectacled young man approaching her wearing an entirely black outfit and a friendly smile. 

"Erm... I've never seen your face around here before. Do I know you?" She asked. 

"No, this is the first time we've met, well, directly that is." He answered. "I just moved here, I live three houses away from you."

Then, it clicked in the half-beast's brain. "Oh! You must be the newcomer that moved in. No wonder I felt I've seen your face before." 

He politely bowed. 

"Pleasure to meet you, my name's Hanzou Kurogane, but Hanzou is simply fine, Miss Hakutaku." He introduced himself. 

"Likewise, Hanzou. Although, isn't 'Miss Hakutaku' a bit of a mouthful? Calling me Keine is simply fine." The were-hakutaku allowed. 

"If you insist, Keine," Hanzou said. "I should be going, I'm sure you have other things to do than speaking to someone like me." 

"I guess so. It was nice meeting you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you a proper welcoming gift. I was a bit busy, you see." She apologized. 

"No need to. It's not my first time coming here." 

His words left a bit of curiosity within Keine but not enough to pique her interest to ask about it. The two soon part ways, the woman now free to do her own shopping. After she did so, returning home with her goods, she went off to visit a friend of hers with some vegetables in her hand for the white-haired and fiery woman.

Wandering within the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, straying off the main path that leads to the House of Eternity, Keine soon found herself in front of Mokou's house after trekking through a maze full of bamboo. She visits her quite regularly, at least once a week she does to check on the woman. 

She calls her name.

"Mokou! Are you there?" She shouted. "I'm here to visit you!" 

She didn't receive a reply nor did she hear any footsteps after waiting for a short while. Perhaps the immortal woman was just out doing something like she usually does or something else. After a brief moment of thought, she decides to let herself in.

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