Chapter 2: Evankhell's Hell Floor

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I woke up and saw myself sleeping on the ground. 

"How long am I asleep?" I asked to myself. 

Suddenly there was a cube floating above and was running around. 

"Testing..Testing...1..2..3....Hi Regulars, your test will be eliminating each other.  You are 400 regulars in total. The test is only simple, all you have to do is eliminate 200 regulars and there should be 200 regulars left. Alright you may begin now." said the cube. 

I stand up and started running

"I need to protect myself....I need to be one of the 200 survivors! I thought. 

I keep on saying that in my head until I bumped on something. I looked up and saw a man who is going to kill me! 

I raised my hand and placed it on his face while closing my eyes. 

Then suddenly I heard an explosion. 


I opened my eyes and cannot believe on what I saw. 

I killed that scary man! 

I run again in this massive field and left that scary man. 

I kept on running and running until I reached a two boys and one crocodile. 

It's like the boy is going to fight that giant crocodilian, while that blue hair guy is forcing the crocodile to stop. 

I can feel the crocodile and the blue hair guy is strong while that boy has a strong weapon. 

"I need to get away from this guys." I thought.

I tried to crawl down trying to escape, but I was caught. 

"Hey you! " shouted that crocodile. 

Oh no,  I've been spoted! 

"You'll also be my prey,  you sneaky turtle!" said the crocodile. 

"Wait turtle? Why is he calling me a turtle? Also I am not an animal that is very slow!" I thought.

I looked at where the three guys where and the crocodile is gone?! 

When I looked up, I was totally shocked. 

The crocodile jumped and is going to kill me! 

I just frozen on the ground when I saw the crocodile going to shot at me. 

Then the blue hair guy jumped also and locker that crocodile. 


The crocodile fell on the ground and the blue hair guy shouted at the crocodile. 

"Hey alligator, don't implicate that girl here in our fight." shouted the blue hair guy to the crocodile. 

"Shut up blue turtle! That light turtle is very strong and I want to Hunt that turtle and mind your own business, you stupid blue turtle! shouted the crocodile. 

"Strong? Me? How can I be very strong? I wonders. "Also, he calls me light turtle. Hmm.... Maybe my skin is bright as a light. And why does he calls all people turtle? 

"Hey alligator, how can she be that strong?! She is very timid!" said the blue hair guy "I thought you're going to hunt him!"

"Then I'll Hunt them both!" said the crocodile. 

I was hurt when that blue hair guy said that I am timid. Well that's true. 

I looked at the brown hair boy and he seems super innocent and I also looked at the blue hair guy and he seems very angel at that crocodile. 

"Uh....It seems I have no choice." said the blue hair guy. 

"Huh?" said the boy and me. 

The blue hair guy hold both of our hands (the boy with brown hair and me) and rin away to hide. 

We his in the high rock and can hear the crocodile shooting, "Damn you, pathetic turtle! Where did you go, you coward turtle?!"

Me, the blue hair guy, and the boy are annoyed because that crazy crocodile is annoying.

"So What's your name?" the blue hair guy asked me. 

"(L/N), (N/N or nickname). That's my name." I replied to him. 

"And you?" He asked the boy with brown hair. 

"I am the 25th Bam." said the boy. 

"Khun Aguero Agnes."said the blue hair guy. "First his been gunting down on you Bam because you have the black March, then now his hunting a poor girl."

"Where are you, coward turtle?! I am going to crush you a soon as I find you!" said the crocodile. 

We just ignored the crocodile and just continued talking. 

Khun faced me and said, "You seem weak, because you are so thin, how can you are so strong like that alligator said? Khun asked.

After Mr. Khun said that, I saw the crocodile behind him and said, ''Finally, I found all three of you!'' said the crocodile while raising his spear up.

Khun and Bam dodged his attacked while grabbed the crocrodile's spear!

''What am I doing?!'' I thought.

''What are you doing, light turtle!'' shouted the crocrodile.

He shaked his spear for me to fall but, I holded his spear very tightly.

I said to him, ''Please Mr. Crocrodile, I am getting dizzy.'' I pleaded him.

''I don't care, you stupid light turtle and I am not a crocodile! I am Rak Wraithraiser!'' shouted the crocrodile.

''Then Mr. Rak, please stop shaking your spear.'' I said.

''Then why don't you go down?!'' said the crocodile.

''But I can't go down because you're shaking your spear.'' I said while crying.

I looked at Mr. Khun and Mr. Bam and saw them very confused like they are thinking, ''Why did she did that?! Is she crazy?!''

After I looked at Mr. Khun and Mr. Bam, I looked up and saw the cube again. I pointed the cube using my right hand and my left hand still holding tightly Mr. Rak's spear.

Mr. Khun, Mr. Bam, and Mr. Rak looked up also and looked at the cube that I pointed. 

Finally, Mr. Rak stopped shaking his spear. I went down to the ground and landed perfectly. 

Mr. Khun checked his pocket and saw that there are 200 regulars in total are left. He was shocked when he looked at his pocket.

''What's wrong Mr. Khun?" asked Bam.

Me and Mr. Bam are waiting for his answer to tell why he is shock.

Then Mr. Khun looked at us and said, ''We pass the first test.''

All of us remain silent.

''Really? We really pass?!'' I asked.

''Yes. There are 200 regulars left here.'' Khun replied.

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