Y/n's makeover alternate ending

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"Whats your size?" V asked

"Ummm.... like i'd tell you," Y/n teased

"If u wont tell me then u cant have em." V warned playfully

"Then i'll take ur purse and buy them myself," Y/n replied

"Yeah, that's actually a good idea" V said, taking out her purse " 100 dollars, i am your new ATM" V handed Y/n the money as they headed out of V's house. V didn't live with her 'rents anymore because they agreed to let her live with one of her friends. They we room mates basically.

"Were to, almighty money ATM?" Y/n asked

"American dream" V answered dreamily, "My cousin took me their for my 13th birthday, it was soooo cool"


"Got it covered," said V, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. V then called some one and they brang a LIMO. A LIMO, besides Y/n's house.

"OMD, OMD, OMD, THIS WILL BE SOOOO COOOOOL" Y/n screamed excitement covering her whole face. "How long will it be to get there on the limo???" 

"3 hrs tops," V replied. It was pretty long  but it would have taken waaaaaaaaaay longer if they were not on this AMA Z limo. Y/n couldn't believe it. 1st $100 then a LIMO, taking them to the BEST MALL IN AMERICA. V was just too kind

~Le time skip~ 

3 hrs had passed like a breeze and they were almost finished shopping. Even V bought what seemed like 5 whole wardrobes. They ended up using half of V's pocket money and some of Y/n's. About $650 or more. V even bought Y/n a new phone and herself a new phone case. Y/n also found out that she looked way better in pastel clothes than in emo or goth or even grunge. Pain. Y/n had always liked the way all of those goth clothes looked but now she knew she didn't look good in them. Sad. She liked pastel better now. It was her aesthetic and she liked it. V also took Y/n to a hair, make up and nail salon. She looked like a Model. Y/n couldn't wait to get to school and see the look on Jennie's face. It would be totally FULL of rage and envy. V had also agreed to let Y/n tag along to her gang and to help Y/n do hair and make up in the morning. V was just too kind.

~Le time skip again >:)~

Once V dropped Y/n home everyone swarmed over how good Y/n looked and how much they would thank her 'new' friend. Y/n hadn't told them about V yet so they thought she was still friends with Jennie. V had been in Y/n's house several times though and her family still didn't notice. They then invited V to go with them to the beach next week and V graciously accepted before she left home. Y/n's dad asked how much of V's money they had spent. Y/n had to tell them and they were so shocked. They vowed to pay her back in some way. They were so glad they had invited her to the beach.

Welcome to the clif hanger 


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