Not an original!

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a quick sec since I've last updated. If you follow me, and have seen my message board, then y'all know I'm in a big move across the country right now. I've been busier with everything going on that Wattpad completely slipped my mind, and I apologize.

Anyway, I'm back for a bit, with another poem. This was NOT written by me. I simply found it on Pinterest and thought it true. Anyway, her it is!

Welcome to society,
We hope you enjoy your stay,
And please feel free to be yourself,
As long as it's in the right way,
Make sure you love your body,
Not too much or we'll tear you down,
We'll bully you for smiling,
And then wonder why you frown,
We'll tell you that you're worthless,
That you shouldn't make a sound,
And then cry with all the others,
As you're buried in the ground,
You can fall in love with anyone,
As long as it's who we chose,
And we'll let you have your own opinion,
But please shape them to our views,
Welcome to society,
We promise that we won't deceive,
And one more rule now that you're here,
There's no way you can leave.

~e. h

I hoped y'all liked this poem! Since this isn't my thoughts book, I won't be taking about them, but comment if you'd like me to post this on that book too, to hear what I think about it.

Thanks for reading, and I apologize again for not updating I'm so long!

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